Quality Improvement in the Medical Industry

Introduction Quality improvement is a kind of approach that endeavors to formally and systematically improve the performance and efforts to raise the quality standards of a particular product or service. There are several ways in which quality improvement can be achieved. Some of the ways include FADE, PDSA, DMAIC, and...

How My Life Values Have Transformed After the Global Lockdown

Life is full of surprises; we all know this, and yet are never ready for them. Coronavirus pandemic was indeed a surprise that brought fears, losses, unexpected discoveries, and controversial decisions. When there is a burden of doing the same thing day by day, it feels that nothing is going...

Terrorist Response Organizations

Combating terrorism has become one of the major problems of humanity after the terrorist attack on the US World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. Since then, the number of anti-terrorist and terrorist response organizations has significantly increased and cross-national links among them have also improved (Linden,...

Supreme Court Judgeship Appointment Process

Process of Supreme Court’s justice appointment The process of appointing and confirming a Supreme Court justice comprises two main steps namely nomination by the President and confirmation by Senate. The President is mandated by the American constitution to appoint judges to serve in the Supreme Court. He appoints the judges...

The Painting “Toy Pieta” by Scott Avett

Introduction The painting Toy Pieta by Scott Avett was one of the first ones I saw after entering the website of the North Carolina Museum of Art. It grabbed my attention from the first second, and even though I spend a considerable amount of time exploring other available works, I...

Nursing Reflection on Course Objectives and Achievements

Learning Objectives Insights from Chief Nurse Officer Interview An in-depth analysis of the strategies, theories, and concepts presented in the course has introduced a great number of information concerning the role of the nurse administrator in facing challenges of constant change. Great complexity of daily operations involves a number of...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity Among School-Aged Children

Introduction Increased screen time raises the likelihood of children becoming overweight/obese because of the deficiency of physical exercise and the consumption of high-calorie foods. With the level of overweight and obese children progressively rising, pediatric obesity has lasting consequences for the future. This study’s target population is school-aged children from...

Photovoice of Homeless Population

This photograph shows an ongoing housing project in a downtown neighborhood. The building project is a joint venture between private and public entities. This project is part of the public sector’s efforts to address the shortage of humanitarian shelters within the state and the country at large. This project is...

English Is a Crazy Language

Language is one of the most important and most ancient phenomena of human culture. People’s words in everyday life form a fascinating and peculiar world with its secrets and mysteries. Speaking in detail about the English language, it occupies a unique position in its completeness and strength. Today more than...

Evidence-Based Programs Policy in Healthcare

Evidence-based programs become more often required and necessary in almost all areas of activity. The field of healthcare and mental health is most in need of such programs, since the introduction of new treatment methods requires accuracy and a high probability of their effectiveness because their main aim is people’s...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abuse and Neglect: Orientation Project

Introduction Child abuse and neglect is serious issue as children are highly vulnerable and do not have means for self-defense or sufficient independence to avoid abusers (CDC, 2012). The prevalence of the problem is rather high (Nies & McEwen, 2013). The United States federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act...

SARA(Scanning-Analysis-Response-Assessment) Problem-Solving

Introduction One of the police’s primary responsibilities is to ensure that they protect the citizens from harm such as gang-related violence. Riverside High School’s board of management (BOM) has raised concern over gang-related graffiti on the school premises. As the Chief of Police of Riverside, I have to make sure...

Health-Related Lobbyists and Health Care Reforms

Health-related lobbyists consist of health professionals, pharmaceuticals, and health associations responsible for agitating better policies and conditions for the health sector. Through their efforts, the country gives priority to challenges identified in the health sector. As a result, health-related lobbyists demand a substantial amount of finance to support their services....

Impact of Technology on Business and Society

Introduction Society changes at an unprecedented pace. What was considered to be a realm of science fiction twenty years ago is now a part of everyday life. The spheres, which underwent a particular notable transformation, are communication and data processing. Not only do they affect work, but they also manifest...

The Laws of Nature and Locke’s Discussion of Property

Two Basic Laws and the Right of Nature In his fundamental treatise Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes introduced several philosophical conceptions, which can look seemingly similar and might confuse understanding. All of them are related to rights, laws, and human nature in one way or another. However, all these conceptions are logically...

White Privilege: Advantages and Disadvantages

White privilege is the unmerited benefit that white people experience because they are not exposed to racism. These advantages are frequently undetectable to white people since they perceive freedom as a guaranteed action, which everybody encounters. Historically, white supremacists expressed oppression through the enslavement and colonialism of black people by...

Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley Defied the Status Quo in the Literary World

The literary world experienced many challenges, especially during the 17th and 18th centuries, many voices were suppressed. Majorly, the male sentiments found their way into the mainstream due to the societal values that exalted men and despised women’s efforts (Luken 2). Educated males dominated the world of literature depicting the...

Douglass’s Speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”

For as long as the power and splendor of the United States exist in the national cognition, the US has been associated with the land of the free. People from throughout the world embody their definition of liberty and fulfillment in the image of America. Indeed, the very idea of...

“Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr.: Rhetorical Analysis

Of all the works composed in the epistolary genre, the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is, perhaps, the best-known and the most inspiring one. Written by Martin Luther King, Jr. after he had been arrested for the march in Birmingham, the letter appeals directly to the clergy in an attempt to...

Strategic Foundation for the Sports Ministry

Introduction The sports ministry can be an essential part of church community engagement. Involving parishioners in active pastimes can unite people, create interesting forms of leisure for them, and expand the circle of communication. Today, due to access to social media and other online platforms, the organization of such programs...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gender Stereotypes and Their Role in Advertising

In modern times, the world is filled with advertising; it is found everywhere – on television, on the radio, on the Internet, on the street, in newspapers, and in magazines. Now it is difficult to imagine life without advertising, the role of which in the modern world is difficult to...

Budget and Finances of Brevard County, Florida

Budgets are pivotal when it comes to controlling and managing the government’s finances and achieving financial reporting objectives. In particular, the connection between budget preparation and financial planning highlights the crucial role of specific documentation in various governmental organizations. According to Miller (2017), when a financial plan is adopted by...

Analysis of Social Media Misinformation Aspects

Al-Athwary, A. A. (2016). The semantics of English borrowings in Arabic media language: The case of Arab gulf states newspapers. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 5(4), 110-121. In the present paper, Anwar Al-Athwary analyzed the semantics of English loanwords in Arabic media. The author first determined the...

AHS: Course of Actions for Strategic Planning

For a healthcare organization catering specifically to the needs of a specific and rather vulnerable demographic, remaining competitive in the health sector and ensuring that all stakeholders are listened to and recognized as important in the healthcare system. As the case of AHS shows, the need for sustainable innovation should...

Employee Displacement with New Technology

The idea of replacing humans with quality operating machines and destroying today’s globally perceived patterns of social hierarchy has now become one of the most widely used within the industry of popular culture. Thus, when being constantly triggered by near-apocalyptic predictions for the future of civilization, people unquestionably become terrified...

Artificial Intelligence in Economics

Currently, the amount of data available to businesses continues to grow at an exceptional rate due to the developments in artificial intelligence and big data. Within the last two years, approximately 90% of all existing information was generated through various digital instruments (Ruiz-Real, Uribe-Toril, Torres, & De Pablo, 2020). This...

Technology, Transportation Management and Biblical Worldview

Each generation tends to develop new technical means and improve the system of accounting, processing, transmission, and storage of data. Since the middle of the XIX century, the mass use of satellite communications, computer technology, and computer networks has begun. The modern world is impossible without TMT technologies that erase...

Comparative Research and Complex Overview

Complex Overview In order for a specific subject to be examined, it is essential to compare it to other similar concepts and identify differences. However, based on the overall techniques that comparative research is based on, the approach is complex and facilitates a broad picture of the incidents or patterns...

Materialist Theory of Consciousness and Counterarguments

Argument of the Materialistic Theory of Consciousness The materialistic theory of consciousness focuses on the idea that consciousness is material and ceases to exist with the annihilation of the body. Remarkably, there are three types of arguments supporting the materialist theory of consciousness. These are panpsychism, illusionism, and arguments suggesting...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Implications of Operation Geronimo

The Assassination of Bin Laden Preparations for Operation Geronimo, or the assassination of Bin Laden, began as early as 2007 with the discovery of a courier associated with the key player of Al-Qaeda. At the end of 2010, officials were able to identify a compound linked with the courier (Marks,...

Xenophobia in the US in the Context of COVID-19

With public fear and its intentional abuse as the main reasons, Asian discrimination received a disturbing level of support after the coronavirus outbreak, which is, in my opinion, unacceptable. The coronavirus disease pandemic shook the world and brought changes on all possible levels – social, political, economic, financial, cultural, and...

The Issue of Decreasing the Minimum Wage

Introduction The issue of minimum wage in our country has always been very acute. And now, many politicians say that soon, wages will become even lower, which means that the minimum wage rate may also fall. While some people have the opportunity to regularly fly abroad, buy real estate and...

The Age of Exploration and the European Conquest

Reflection In order to embrace the full extent of the changes that have transpired over the course of the known history of humankind, an array of concepts needs to be incorporated into the analysis. Throughout this course, a plethora of critical concepts has been studied. However, among the core ones...

Pilgrims: The Establishment of Plymouth Colony

The arrival of the Pilgrims to the shores of the future United States of America has been viewed as a turning point in the history of the U.S. Although the colony established by the Pilgrims was not the first or the largest on the land of the New World, it...

The Notion of Budget Credibility

Introduction Budget credibility is a crucial concept in public financial management (PFM) that determines how reliable and transparent government spending is. In turn, high budget credibility improves public trust in the official fiscal strategy, reduces the risks of corruption, and represents more accurate monetary planning and financial policies. Ultimately, the...

Innovative & Creative Thinking in the Modern World

The process of thinking is a complex and mysterious phenomenon because it is difficult to determine the line where thoughts turn into thinking. Often a person can register passing words, ideas, and concepts in their head, but this process occurs without intentional effort. On the contrary, a person can unconsciously...

The Yields and Maturity of US Treasuries and Bonds

Based on the current long-term interest rates, expectations theory aims to forecast how the short-term interest rates will change or behave in the future. According to the hypothesis, an investor would make the same amount of interest by purchasing two consecutive one-year bonds as opposed to one two-year bond today...

Inventing Hispanics: Labeling a Diverse Minority

Popular stereotypes about Hispanic workers say that they are lazy, slow and often interrupt for a siesta. It is widely believed that a Hispanic employee can have lunch for two hours, or their five-minute breaks will last for half an hour. They may be sick on the day of the...

Rama and David as Heroes in “The Ramayana”

The stories of heroes have been broadly presented in literature since ancient times. Heroic characters tend to display various human traits focusing on their strengths and abilities to conquer enemies and overcome difficulties. In Indian literature, prince Rama from the book of The Ramayana appears as a particular example of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

If Students Aren’t Motivated to Learn, Whose Fault Is It?

Lack of student motivation in learning can be a consequence of several factors. Educational leaders ought to discern what makes students demotivated since motivation is essential in learning. When learners are motivated to learn they easily understand concepts and benefit from the educational process. It is the responsibility of the...

Technology and Its Effects on Society

Technology is a capable aspect in the current world. Through technology, many goals have been achieved in the twentieth century and beyond. The power of technology plays an important role in aspects of our day to day life. Also, technology is a very component in reproduction, communication, traveling, education, playing,...

Cell Phones May Cause Autism

The article under consideration “Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms” (2007) is taken from the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 26, no.2, pp. 3-7.n The article was written by Tamara J. Mariea (Internal Balance Inc, Nashville TN...

The Functions of Film Music: Essay Example

Introduction Music plays an important role in films. Music helps the audience to be able to capture the atmosphere of various scenes, and this enables the audience to understand the plot better. By incorporating music in film, it is possible to arouse emotions through the characters in the movie or...

“Akeelah and the Bee” by Doug Atchison

Introduction “Akeelah and the Bee” is a movie that transcends the limitations of its average plot and linear storyline to reveal valuable and intrinsic lessons that have been forgotten by people at present in their pursuit to be “winners.” In a sense, it is a critique of the current predilection...

Urbanization and Developing Countries

Introduction In the past, the majority of individuals not only in developing nations but also in developed countries lived mostly in rural areas. However, with the advent of urbanization in addition to the ever-changing living patterns, most of the world populations have moved to areas they consider more urbanized. Although...

Project Manager, His Role and Responsibilities

When it comes to defining the hierarchy of a project, its leader deserves to be mentioned first. Without a project manager, the very existence of the subject matter is barely possible (Phillips, 2015). Defining the course of a project, as well as the key processes such as the location of...

Socrates in Plato’s Works: Apology and Crito

Introduction Socrates is a Greek philosopher and teacher of a great Greek philosopher Plato. His works laid a basis for the Greek thespian art and he is a pioneer to the rise of official logical positivism. The Apology and Crito, which substantiates his tribulation, sentence, and denial to run away...

Operations Management and Productivity

Introduction Operation management aims at ensuring that functions in a company/business are conducted in the most efficient manner, so as the end results are satisfied customers and reduced cost of production. It has elements of managing and directing processes. To be effective an operating manager should implement a ten decisions...

North Miami Community Health Assessment

Introduction The community selected for this assignment was North Miami, a large community that is in a relatively good condition; however, it included some of the problematic areas. This review is focused on the primary characteristics of the community in terms of socio-economic dynamics, living conditions, and health-related issues. North...

The Right-to-Die Bill: Why All States Should Pass It

Introduction The Right-to-Die bill is a proposed law that is aimed at giving authority to terminally ill patients to end their lives through the assistance of a physician. Currently, six American states allow citizens to opt for physician-assisted suicide rather than continue suffering. In addition, to the six states, the...

Somalia v. Kenya: International Court of Justice

The case that will be analyzed is Somalia v. Kenya. It is one of the contentious cases heard by the International Court of Justice. This case is of special interest because it is related to international conventions as well as points to one of the most significant issues in international...

The Intensive Care Unit: Intelligent Hospital Pavilion

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is designed in such a way that it can provide adequate and timely care to high-risk patients. The current use of modern technology and informatics is transforming how ICU units deliver exemplary care to their patients (Darvish, Bahramnezhad, Keyhanian, & Navidhamidi, 2014). The narrator of...

Technologies Growth: Significance for Human Development

Introduction At present, people are surrounded by diverse technologies. Besides, these technologies tend to develop fast. What is more, it has been claimed that the unhindered growth of technology is essential to the continued advancement of the human race, which is likely to be only partially true, as the unhindered...

Coconut Grove: Vulnerable Population Assessment

Coconut Grove is a neighborhood in the southern part of Miami Florida roughly constituted of twenty thousand people. There is a calm and relaxing atmosphere characterized by lush green lawns with tall, green trees. The well-marked and sufficiently maintained infrastructure is indicative of good living standards. It is a multicultural...

Spiritual Needs Assessment and Reflection

Interview Question: Are you a believer? Answer: I am, very much. I believe in God, and those moments in my life when I doubted his existence were the hardest moments for me. I am not much of a churchgoer because it was never a tradition in my family, and I...

Congestive Heart Failure Patient Readmission Rates

Introduction The problem of congestive heart failure is increasingly found not only in elderly patients but also among young people. Moreover, one of the central problems regularly encountered by cardiologists is high readmission rates. In order to change the situation and achieve positive results in the fight against this disease,...

War Veterans’ Mental Health as Social Issue

Current social issue and the role of social work in addressing it The current issue to be discussed touches on the War Veterans returning home and not receiving proper mental health care due to a lack of mental health professionals serving the Armed Forces. In most cases, these war veterans...

Kaiser Permanente’s Initiative: Antimicrobial Practices

Description of Needed Change The system-wide practice change initiative proposed by Kaiser Permanente is a large-scale fight against germ antibiotic resistance. This is in accordance with the healthcare organization’s goals by 2025, which include responsible use of antibiotics and purchase of products and materials that are environmentally friendly (“Kaiser Permanente”,...

Territorial Conflicts in Animals and Humans

Introduction Territory refers to a geographically defined area, which is regarded to be owned by an individual (s), animal, or a state and it can also be defined by other factors, such as culture and language. Thus, territory promotes peace through assurance as it clearly defines and demarcates the workings...

Monopoly Company in Managerial Economics

Introduction The shape and structure of most modern markets are shaped by market power and competition. Market power stands for the strength of a company or a product in a particular market. All companies seek to increase their market power, which results in competition. In economics, the four Ps of...

Classroom Discipline and Behaviour’ Management

Introduction Children are often compared to a sponge. They absorb the behavior of the people around them and copy them. When they come to school, a teacher becomes a new model to follow. Thus, the common task of parents and teachers is to lead and direct children to the styles...

Criminal Behavior Theories and Contributing Factors

Introduction Crime, as it is known, is a social phenomenon that accompanies the humanity for as long as there is society itself. In the world, there is a certain evolution of criminogenic factors, both socio-economic and socio-cultural. For example, the first ones include the general tendency of the uneven distribution...

Economic Efficiency and Principles

How economics would approach the problem of alcohol abuse Drug abuse is a problem that faces most countries. Various groups of people have suggested a number of ways to resolve the problem. Examples of ways that can be used to solve the problem of alcohol abuse are scientific, social, medical,...

“Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction” by Choate

Clarity of Article in the Abstract, Introduction, and Its Title The article under review revolves around the issue of drug addiction among teenagers and its effects on their respective families. Remarkably, drug addiction is a problem that continues to affect several contemporary families (Campa, Martinez, & Baum, 2017; Knudsen, 2018;...

Canada’s Progressive Social Values and Its National Development

In recent decades, progressive values have been gaining increased recognition all over the world. In Canada, progressive public policies have long been implemented by the government and supported by the general public and are considered to be inherently linked to the Canadian national identity. Further implementation of these policies is...

Killings for Love in Shakespeare’s and Garcia’s Works

In both Shakespeare’s Othello and Garcia’s Chronicles of a Death Foretold, the themes of love, passion, and death are connected. In most cases, death occurs as a result of the violence that is ignited by passion, which seemingly originates from love. However, a critical reading of the texts begs the...

Sociolinguistics: Language Teaching and Age

Discuss William Littlewoods’s point of view on choosing what to teach William Littlewood (1981) argues that language education should reflect the communicative needs of students. The problem is that in many cases, children are supposed to learn mostly about various structural elements of the language. For instance, one can speak...

Effective Leader and Communication with the Command

The role of the leader in the team Margo Santelli is the head of the group operations and she has four unit managers who are responsible for carrying out sales and handling client issues. From Margo’s point of view, the four managers were chosen because of their qualifications. She does...

Global Markets: Model to Success

Introduction Companies and enterprises have established operations beyond national borders. This condition has heightened competition in the global markets. Using Arvind Mills from India as an example, Bartlett and Ghoshal point out that companies from developed countries dominate the global markets thus making it hard for companies from developing companies...

Statistics: Academic Performance Correlation Study

Research design In this project, I was interested in determining whether there is a relationship between academic performance in reading and academic performance in science courses. The study sought to test the following hypothesis: H0: There is a significant correlation between reading performance and performance in science courses. H1: There...

Psychiatric Patients Experiencing Abuse

Introduction Topic Research question: Are psychiatric patients much more vulnerable to domestic abuse than others because of the unique aspects of their conditions? Working thesis: Psychiatric patients have to deal with domestic violence because they are viewed as extremely vulnerable most of the time, and they lack understanding from the...

Cultural Expressions in the Daily Life of Africans

Introduction Culture has a way of infiltrating into families and societies and forming bonds of engagement. They become the norms that are acceptable. The beliefs, customs, and ways of life of particular individuals or groups of families help to identify such units as being family, race, or ethnicity. The study...

Management Leadership Strategies and Values

Introduction Management is the use of both material and human resources to achieve any set goals for an individual or an organization. It includes performing tasks such as planning, organizing, controlling, and ensuring that all the resources are put to fair use to fully reach the desired goals in the...

Cell Phone Use While Driving: Why Is It Dangerous?

Introduction The invention of cell phones allowed people to have a constant connection to their family, friends, and colleagues. Later, smartphones became the norm, and this connection expanded to include the Internet and all ways of communication enabled by it. It was only a matter of time until using a...

Importance of Intercultural Competence in Business

Cultural studies are rapidly developing and influencing every sphere of activity nowadays so that different approaches have been applied to the understanding of what intercultural communication is. Living in the intercultural society in the period of globalization presupposes incessant interaction with diverse representatives of one’s nation, so the interpersonal connection...

Cornelius Vanderbilt: One of the Men Who Built America

The United States of America became a superpower due to the commitment and diligence of Americans. Some of them made a great contribution, while others contributed their labor to make big ideas happen. Cornelius Vanderbilt is often referred to as one of the men who made America and “built” the...

Bariatric Surgery for an Obese Patient

This paper provides an analysis of the case of Mr. C., a 32-year-old patient seeking data about bariatric surgery. The report addresses the clinical manifestations the man shows as well as his health history, noting their possible causes. The work discusses possible health risks associated with obesity and the appropriateness...

Medical Product Development and Innovation Event

Introduction Public policy hearings are essential because they allow examining specific problems that affect the population of the US and locate solutions. The particular meeting that will be discussed in the following sections of this paper focuses on opioid addiction, rare diseases, and medical innovation approaches that can help mitigate...

Heroes and Cowards in “Oedipus Rex” and “Death of a Salesman”

Introduction In the two plays, “Oedipus Rex” and “Death of a Salesman” there are many parallels. One major parallel is courage and cowardice. The main characters of both plays are classic tragic men, and the themes center around the wisdom to see the truth and the courage to face it....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

The novel Great Expectations written by Charles Dickens is considered to be one of the most significant and sophisticated works of world literature. The style of the novel is predominantly semi-autobiographical while the author managed to reflect his personal experience and expectations concerning time and people he met. The analysis...

The Role of Cash in Business

Need for Cash Flow Statement Yes, the writer agrees with the above statement that cash flow statements are important for any organisation. Cash is needed for a variety of reasons in garment organizations primarily for: Payment for purchase of garments raw materials Wages and salaries to workers and staff Purchase...

Psychology. Objective Knowledge and Experience

To understand things from the outside world and inner feelings, a person has to rely on his own culture and experience. In this situation, the human mind becomes the main tool that helps people to determine reality and perceive some knowledge. People infer the truth about some causally connected but...

«Hills Like White Elephants» by Ernest Hemingway

Hills like White Elephants is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway. This work is a real masterpiece being rich in various themes and concepts. The author managed to create an atmosphere of sophisticated relationships and family metamorphosis. He strived to depict a kind of conflict between hedonism and personal...

Optimism Makes You See the World Better

When I hear the word optimism, many memories and definitions come into my mind. As a little girl, I used to mention many times these words but those times I didn’t know their meaning. Probably I heard it from the adults and I used to repeat it to convince my...

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

James Joyce’s novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is often regarded as a search for true identity. The protagonist of this story is Stephen Dedalus who comes from an Irish Catholic family and whose parents often experience financial problems. Stephen grows into an alienated unsociable person...

“Joseph Andrews” by Henry Fielding

“Joseph Andrews” was the first published novel of the English writer Henry Fielding, as well as one of the first novels in the English language. The book was published in 1742 and defined by its author as a ‘comic romance’. It presents the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend...

Gender Differences in Agressive Behavior

Introduction The belief that violence is observed mostly in men than in women in the daily observations has a stable base in the records of crime and also in the common perception about gender. The number of men involved in criminal offenses is far greater than that of women. According...

Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production

Introduction Dadaism or the Dada movement was a cultural movement which originated in Switzerland. Although it began during the First World War, it reached its peak between 1916 and 1922. (Wood & Frascina, 173) It not only included art theories and manifestos and visual art but also poetry, theatre, literature...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chain of Command in Vietnam War

Napoleon is known as a developer of the war model which is known as conventional wars. This model is famous for its involving the leadership in writing and training troops for rules of engagement (ROE). ROE presents a row of benefits, but it is also connected to costs and expenditures...

Success Factors in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley grew very fast because of its technological specialization and innovative corporate culture. The firms and individuals in Silicon Valley showed a strong tradition of innovation and cooperation. There was coordinated focus on manufacture of hardware, development of software and capital investment. Several economic development strategies converged to benefit...

Geography: France and Its Muslims Article by Stephenie Giry

Introduction In the article, the author is trying to highlight the issue of integration in Europe. This is in terms of the religious groups and the discrimination they face in European countries. The topic is important as it shows the underlying issues that are hindering integration in Europe. The controversy...

Political Figures Who Are Part of Minority Groups

Introduction It would be impossible to run a campaign without a candidate who is capable of attracting the attention of voters and promote the ideas. More often than not, political figures tend to be white and wealthy middle-aged men who support mostly conservative ideas. Another interesting factor is that the...

Inflation in the Real Estate Industry

Introduction This paper will cover the Real Estate industry in the United States. The Real Estate industry is part of the Real Estate and Rental and Leasing sector, which includes renting and leasing assets and services, such as cars, houses, computers, and other goods (NAICS, 1). The Real Estate subsector...

The National Institute of Mental Health Research Studies Report

Methodological Similarities within Interventional Category A review and analysis of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) research database on the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) topic revealed several interesting features. For example, studies of interventional and observational models are equally represented. A number of similarities were noted within the interventional category....

Integrated Marketing Communication Tactic

Contemporary marketing efforts of businesses require the creative use of multiple channels that will allow connecting with a consumer and delivering a message about the brand. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a combination of all communication channels available to the company and the use of them as an advertising method....

The Life and Influence of Julius Caesar

Introduction Gaius Julius Caesar, one of Rome’s iconic leaders, was born in 100 B.C. in Rome, Italy. He was an army general, a politician, a governor, and an administrator. Unlike other influential and wealthy Roman politicians, Caesar was raised by a humble family. Wealth and a class type of family...

Classroom Management Areas for a New Teacher

Introduction Learning is a complex process that requires teachers to have organizational and disciplinary skills. Classroom management is defined as “the use of procedures and teaching techniques that promote a safe and efficient learning environment” (Cini, 2017). It is a specific set of strategies used by educators to arrange students,...

The Analysis of Sustainable Contribution

A sustainable lifestyle is the representation of the new era of consumption in the 21st century. People’s values have passed through significant modifications during the last hundred years. It is possible to assume that these changes are caused by the deterioration of the ecological situation, the increase in the number...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Obesity as a Major Health Concern in the United States

On a global scale, the prevalence of obesity dramatically increased over the past decades, which poses serious health risks. Based on the recent national data regarding obesity statistics in the United States, obesity has risen considerably since 1999–2000 (Hales, Carroll, Fryar, & Ogden, 2020). Hence, a better understanding of the...

Women in Senegal in Bâ’s “So Long a Letter” Novel

Representing a strictly patriarchal society, where the rights of women are heavily infringed upon, postcolonial Senegal is one of the places where women suffer particularly harsh injustices. In her semi-autobiographical novel, “So Long a Letter,” Mariama Bâ depicts the struggles of Senegal women in a disturbingly vivid and realistic manner,...

Inferential Statistics: Movies and Behavior

Depending on the kinds of themes they expose, movies have different impacts on viewers. Action movies tend to promote violent behaviors when compared to comedies and dramas. The establishment of the relationship between the nature of films and the occurrence of violent acts among children is necessary. In essence, the...

Ethical Literacy in Humans: Do We Deserve Cats?

Ethical behavior has always been one of the most important questions for humanity because people, unfortunately, tend to overlook the crucial value of their attitudes. Our surroundings are built in a way that requires humans to collaborate and create opportunities for mutual development and peaceful coexistence. Nevertheless, not everyone realizes...

Decreasing Ventilator Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Units

Problem Statement Statistically, five to ten critically ill intubated patients develop VAP in the United States ICU settings. Thus there is a need to institute this protocol in our hospital to decrease the risk of VAP. This is critical because secondary infections in these patients increase the risk of death....

The Random Acts of Kindness: Key Issues

Introduction In today’s world, not many people understand what kindness actually means and what benefits may be observed. For example, a man is confident of his kindness when he holds a door in an elevator or gives a seat to a pregnant woman or the elderly. However, it is necessary...

Professional Nursing Practice and Leadership: Critical Pathways

Management Model: Managed- Care Critical Pathways Managed-care critical pathways are crucial for professional nursing practice and leadership. These are frameworks that facilitate coordination of teamwork and streamline service delivery. Significance of the care pathways is realized in a series of events, such as scheduling and execution of processes in healthcare...

BSC: IT Governance Frameworks

The Balanced Scorecard or BSC is performance management and IT governance tool, which is used to evaluate the companys efficiency and identify those aspects which need modification or improvement (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). It helps to develop the policies of the enterprise according to the vision and the initial goals....

Homelessness Due to Unemployment During COVID-19

The 2019 novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is both a health and an economic crisis across the globe. For the past two decades, the level of extreme poverty has experienced a rise worldwide. Before the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, approximately 88 million adults lived in the US under poverty line...

Peculiarities of Creating Health Promoting Policies

Community Engagement in Policy Development In the modern world it is an established fact that the person’s health is determined by their surroundings, quality of life and the society they belong to (Haflon 2009). The factors that define people’s state of health, life expectancy and the number of diseases this...

Electronic Medical Records: Availability and Portability

Electronic medical record (EMR) is “an enabling technology that allows physicians to pursue more powerful quality improvement programs than is possible with paper-based records” (Hede, 2013, p. 271). Nevertheless, realizing quality improvement does not come without a cost. Physicians encounter a myriad of challenges when using electronic medical records. The...

Preventing Children’s Death in Nepal

Introduction Investing in the wellbeing of underage children is a worthwhile undertaking (Skolnik, 2012). Many developing nations prioritize the health of their children to realize their economic goals. Unfortunately, the developing world continues to grapple with the problem of child mortality (Skolnik, 2012). The social and economic attributes of a...

Competencies and Capacity to Deliver Healthcare

Introduction For a healthcare organization to officially back its ability to deliver its services, it must be accredited by respective agencies. Accreditation is a voluntary process of external evaluation based on dynamic standards to achieve optimum performance (Myers, 2011). Firstly, it is not obligatory as hospitals can choose not to...

What Influenced Zora Neale Hurston to Write

Zora Neale Hurston became the most significant and most successful black writer of the first half of the 20th century. She made it by using her own talent, ability to produce an utterly unforgettable impression, bright intellect, powerful nature, infectious sense of humor, and the gift of “entering the heart”...

Political Changes in the Soviet Union and South Africa in the 1980s-90s

Introduction The paths of the formation of the statehood in the USSR and South Africa in the 1980s and early 1990s were different, although both powers adhered to similar principles of reform movements. The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the ineffectiveness of the government’s measures to strengthen the political...

“Coalition Brings Pressure to End Forced Uighur Labor” Article Analysis

Introduction The article under analysis is titled “Coalition Brings Pressure to End Forced Uighur Labor.” It was published on July 23, 2020, in The New York Times. It is centered on an ethnic conflict within China that led to restrictions of freedom and other human rights violations. The conflict in...

“Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture” by Cartwright

Painting, as well as other forms of art, serves to convey the author’s vision of the world. The choice of the plot is never accidental because painters want to share with their viewers the stories that agitate and captivate them. However, production is not the final step of the work....

Analysis of “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Hamlet has attracted abiding interest due to its aesthetics and the exceptional complexity of the author’s masterpiece. Deep reflections on life and death invariably attract the readers’ attention and push each to their interpretations. Every generation can identify with the problems touched upon in the play. Shakespeare’s work remains...

Case Study: Important Business and Managerial Problems

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, business owners should address a range of details concerning various fields in order to make their enterprise profitable and popular with customers. In addition, they are highly likely to encounter challenges, which are difficult to be found an appropriate solution. Therefore, the purpose...

Security Architecture and Design Applied to Carrier

Introduction Ensuring the safety of digital data in the online space is possible due to the provision of appropriate control. For this purpose, promoting specific monitoring methods is a valuable practice. This work called security architecture and design is a significant activity in the use, processing, and storage of information....

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Similar Theme in “The Lottery” and “The Hunger Games”

The lottery theme unites the books “The Lottery” and The Hunger Games. In Suzanne Collins’s book, the inhabitants of Panem were forced to participate in a survival game, with teenagers engaging in such a competition (Collins). Shirley Jackson’s story tells the story of the tradition of an American city throwing...

Love in “Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Hurston

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Aging as an Important Biological Problem

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Diversity, Racism, and Identity in the United States

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Building Blocks of “The Odyssey” by Homer

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The Concept of Sustainable Leadership

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Cause and Clinical Characteristics of Rib Fractures in Cats

The essence of this study lies in the peculiarities of the occurrence of rib injuries in cats. Based on the data in this article, two main factors of rib fracture manifestation are demonstrated, which are associated with traumatic and non-traumatic causes. According to the study, the appearance of rib fractures...

Deviant Behavior: Sociology in Our Times

It is no secret that everyone in this world is different, and all the people have a unique perception of society. While some people think a particular action is wrong, others, on the contrary, will support it in every way possible. However, there is such a phenomenon as generally accepted...

Differences Between Sartre’s Account of Being and Heidegger’s Account of Being

One of the central sections of philosophy that studies the problem of being is called ontology, and the problem of being itself is one of the main ones in philosophy. The problem of being was the base around which the whole field of philosophy was originally formed. Ancient Indian, Chinese,...

Haitian Cuisine, Its History and Influence on the World

With a land area of a bit more than 20 thousand square kilometers, Haiti encompasses the western part of the island of Hispaniola (Vilsaint & Hall, 2021). This is a tropical place with a variety of vegetables and fruits. Among fruits are avocados, coffee beans, cocoas, coconuts, citruses, limes, and...

Nature vs. Nurture Parenting Styles in Psychology

Parenting is a holistic process that determines the future of children. Numerous activities are involved in the process of bringing up a child. Activities such as interaction, cooperation, motivation, care and creating an enabling environment are critical determinants of a child’s future (Caplan et al., 2019). It is imperative that...

The Play “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams

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Consumer Science: Shared Consumption Experiences

Introduction Shared Consumption Experiences was published by Rebecca Hamilton in Impact at JMR in 2021. The article discusses the subject of consumer behavior; however, contrary to other research made on the topic, Hamilton (2021) focuses on the experiences of a group rather than an individual. It is found that shared...

The Effects of Mobile Sports Betting on People

The mobile phone has become an essential tool for many people in the modern world. Technologies enable smartphone users’ access to numerous services such as banking, email, social networks, streaming platforms, games, and other applications for work and leisure. In this regard, mobile sports betting is one of the recent...

The “Hearst Castle” Art Project by Julia Morgan

Introduction Julia Morgan was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. She was the first woman who graduated from l’École Nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, the leading university in arts and design, significantly advancing women’s rights in education. After receiving the license, she created hundreds of notable projects...

Children’s and Adolescents’ Use of Sugary Drinks

Introduction Children and adolescents are at grave risk for health problems due to the excessive intake of added sugars, particularly sugary drinks. Minority and low-income children are disproportionately affected. The use of added sugars by children and adolescents must be reduced in order to enhance health, which calls for public...

Nursing Medication Administration Workflow

Workflow standardization is essential in the healthcare setting due to the importance of preserving high-quality service at all times. Since patient health, well-being, and life are at stake, the validation of appropriateness and efficiency of nursing workflow is pivotal. Moreover, when dealing with such a responsible issue as medication administration,...

The US Industrialization in the 19th Century

Introduction The period of industrialization in the United States of America in the 19th century was marked by an array of systematic changes in social, economic, legislative, and political domains, ultimately changing society’s standards. In particular, due to the migration of newly emerged workers from rural agricultural areas to industrial...

The Rise in Prices of Used Vehicles

Prices of Used Vehicles Used vehicles have had one or more retail owners in the past. The price of these cars soared by 42% from December 2019 to October 2022, based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Vincent). Over the past year, prices of used cars have skyrocketed by...

Study of Differences in Sleep Patterns Between Men and Women

Background This paper investigates potential differences in sleep duration among male and female patients. To find the answer to this question, the paper uses the Independent Samples t-Test, for which the assumption of homogeneity of variance is evaluated, and the results of the analysis are interpreted. Data Analysis Plan This...

Human Trafficking: Risk Factors and Victimization Data

Data and Human Trafficking The selected crime is human trafficking, and the information is taken from a non-profit organization called Polaris Project. The data suggests that “in 2020, 10,583 situations of human trafficking were reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline involving 16,658 individual victims … they are likely...

Ethics of Gratitude in Law Enforcement

Police officers in the event of emergency situations in which their lives or the lives of other people may be in danger have the right to use suppressive forces, including firearms. This may be justified in cases and in the manner prescribed by law. The abuse of such rights is...

The Montag Character in Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury

Introduction In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Guy Montag can be described as the ideal protagonist in a dystopian society that prohibits the enlightenment of the masses. The book is a dystopian fiction inspired by various historical events, including the ideological repression in the Soviet Union and the burning of...

The Effects of Industrialism on the Romantic Period Authors

Introduction The significant impact of the Industrial Revolution, which lasted from the second half of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, can be seen in almost all spheres of life. Noticeably, the period of industrialization coincides with the years in which writers and poets attributed to...

Sales Manager Job Analysis & Performance Appraisal

Brief Outlook of the Job For this assignment, the position of sales manager was chosen as an example. Sales managers generally coordinate goods’ movement from a producer to customers. In fact, although this description may sound simple, there are thousands of factors that influence the probability of successful work. Therefore,...

The Role of Nationalism in the Two World Wars

Nationalism is claimed to be one of the main causes of World War I. This article provides a critical analysis of the causal relationships between nationalism and World War I in different countries. The author found that the war was encouraged by elites and supported by the masses, but it...