Workplace Violence Due to Substance Use Disorder

It is hard to disagree that workplace relationships usually depend on numerous factors. Even when the company puts enormous efforts into supporting a positive and inclusive working environment, it still can be affected by violence. Evidently, there may be various sources and types of workplace violence, and substance use disorder is one of the common reasons. In the lecture, it is stated that substance abuse should be considered a disease (“Week 11: Substance Abuse,” n.d.). Since a disease is usually something a person cannot address and control, this raises additional cause for people’s concern.

Therefore, if a staff member or manager uses drugs or drinks inadequate amounts of alcohol, their perceptions, abilities, attitudes, and reactions are altered. Certainly, there is an effect on this individual’s workplace behavior, and, as stated in the lecture, other workers may feel uncomfortable near him or her and become victims of assault or harassment. This is a very severe issue that should be addressed with effective measures because one’s personal addiction should not spoil the lives and workplace relationships of others. The resource provided in the lecture appeared to be quite helpful and informative (“Week 11: Substance Abuse,” n.d.). According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (2022), substance use disorder usually has an “impact on a person’s judgment, alertness, perception, motor coordination or emotional state that also impacts working safely or safety sensitive decisions” (para. 1). Consequently, the general workplace safety is decreased – the addicted employee cannot control themselves, can become irritated or aggressive easily, and the likelihood of violence raises.

To conclude, the learning material provided me with some insights regarding workplace violence. Initially, I did not think that employers and staff members are somehow related to one’s personal substance abuse. However, now I believe that companies should strictly monitor the signs of substance use disorder in order to improve the safety of workers, mitigate risks, and be able to address workplace violence or abuse in a timely manner.


Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2022). Substance use in the workplace. CCOHS.

Week 11: Substance Abuse [Word]. (n.d.).

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