Innovative Strategies to Explore the Naked Wrist Syndrome by Wrist & Rye

How can Wrist & Rye improve its functioning and attain higher revenues by choosing an online marketing campaign?

Wrist & Rye is a specific company that is focused on the creation and distribution of jewelry for men who adhere to a particular lifestyle. However, at the moment, it needs a new stimulus for the further development and acquisition of new customers. There are two options that include the online campaign and wholesaling. The first one should be used to create the basis for further rise. The choice is stipulated by numerous options that appear due to the adherence to the suggested model.

Thus, the W&R attains a potent tool to enhance its work. First, multiple tendencies towards the further rise of technologies and the spread of the Internet evidence the promising character of online sales and their significant impact on society. The current technological environment is also beneficial for the introduction of the above-mentioned campaign. At the same time, the companys target audience is comprised of men aged from 17 to 27.

These are the most active and informed Internet users. Analysis of consumer behavior shows that they enjoy using online shops to buy particular things, including jewelry. In such a way, starting a campaign, W&R will be able to establish better contact with the audience. Additionally, it will remain innovative, which is critical regarding the existing brand image. Using social media, the company will be able to popularize its products and remain in touch with the youth. It will guarantee a rise in the number of clients and revenues correspondingly.

What should W&R do to explore the naked wrist syndrome and acquire new customers?

At the same time, the initiation of the online marketing campaign will help to explore the naked wrist syndrome more efficiently. The fact is that in such a way the blending of particular marketing concepts could be achieved. First, the company will explore the idea of online marketing supported by specific branding strategies and direct sales. In other words, W&R will acquire an opportunity to reconstruct its brand image by associating it with innovations and popular trends in fashion.

Naked wrist syndrome is a popular tendency that should be considered when creating a particular development strategy. There are several aspects to it. First, men who demonstrate the desire to buy some jewelry or other item have several similar traits. They like innovations, follow the latest tendencies observed in society and are willing to participate in innovative programs. In such a way, W&R should obviously facilitate the development of its online strategies as it will have a positive impact on the brand image and help to explore the above-mentioned naked wrist syndrome.

Thus, the company should emphasize its innovative character by creating an outstanding website demonstrating its adherence to the latest fashion trends. There should be a hyperlink to other websites explaining the phenomenon of the naked wrist and proving its growing popularity. All visitors to the site will have an opportunity to ensure that the company suggests fashionable items that are demanded by other individuals. The given approach will help to explore the naked wrist syndrome and guarantee a significant increase in revenues.

How will the target market be affected by the chosen strategy?

Finally, adherence to the online campaign will also help to attain success regarding the target market and audience. First, the company will be able to enter a new, global market. It is a huge segment that might provide multiple perspectives for further growth. The appearance of a new actor will apparently stipulate the growth of rivalry and the emergence of the need for a significant competitive advantage.

However, W&R will be able to remain competitive because of its focus on the target audience and enhanced communication with it. The use of social media and other distribution and promotion channels will result in the establishment of long-term relations with men aged 17 to 27 who are the most active Internet users and who try to collect data about every company or item before buying it. In such a way, the brand will acquire a potent tool to impact consumers behaviors by emphasizing the unique popularity of particular items or products and their fashionable character. At the same time, the target audience will also be able to affect the functioning of the company by providing their feedback and suggesting new ways how to evolve.

The creation of this channel will help to establish effective communication between the firms officials and customers and shape behaviors and actions of both sides. Additionally, using social media and other Internet sources, the company will be able to analyze trends peculiar to the target market and audience with the primary aim to create an efficient strategy to impact buyers choices and support the high level of their interest.


  • create an innovative and informative website;
  • explore the naked wrist syndrome to increase revenues;
  • align direct communication with the target audience to impact its choices;
  • use social media to popularize the brand;
  • acquire a competitive advantage by using several ways to impact customers and remain in touch with them.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 26). Innovative Strategies to Explore the Naked Wrist Syndrome by Wrist & Rye.

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Innovative Strategies to Explore the Naked Wrist Syndrome by Wrist & Rye'. 26 November.

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StudyCorgi. "Innovative Strategies to Explore the Naked Wrist Syndrome by Wrist & Rye." November 26, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Innovative Strategies to Explore the Naked Wrist Syndrome by Wrist & Rye." November 26, 2020.

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