Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks

Xavier Yarto is a bright talent from Mexico, creating his unique works in a post-modernism manner. Yarto’s series of paintings, “Ninas Bonitas”, is dedicated to women intended to fight with beauty stereotypes existing in modern society. Xavier Yarto shares his visions on his personal website, “I started painting women as a way to fight against the stereotype of beauty as such and that each one of them shows her inner self. In each of them dwells an extraordinary strength and intelligence and that beauty is what I am interested in portraying” (Yarto, n.d., para.2). Yarto ‘s “Ninas Bonitas”, with a strong social message, are full of playfulness and warmth, and convey the atmosphere of pure joy to their auditory.

Sticking to his notable stylization, Xavier Yarto plays with colors and forms, in the challenging attempt to reveal his models’ character. An attentive person could easily grasp the pictures’ spirit of weightlessness and spontaneity. Yarto shows women of different ages emphasizing the eternal nature of feminine inner light. His models are perfect muses, and not only for the artist: there is a certainty that the communication with these women was enjoyable and inspirational, so every art lover will be eager to perceive those upbeat feelings. Yarto’s “Ninas Bonitas” do the best of what works of art could do: women, confident in their beauty and strengths, share their power with auditory while the artist plays the role of a mediator, working to make this fascinating meeting possible.

Yarto’s pictures inspire to look around and realize that there are so many people surrounding you, beautiful in their thoughts and inspirations. It seems that Xavier Yarto and his models say to people from all over the world: never be afraid of difficulties and do not hesitate to enjoy every moment of your life. Proud mothers, devoted daughters, loyal friends, dedicated professionals, altogether these “Ninas Bonitas” are teachers of life.


Yarto, Xavier. (n.d.). Ninas Bonitas. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, January 28). Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks. https://studycorgi.com/xavier-yartos-postmodernist-ninas-bonitas-artworks/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks'. 28 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks." January 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/xavier-yartos-postmodernist-ninas-bonitas-artworks/.


StudyCorgi. "Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks." January 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/xavier-yartos-postmodernist-ninas-bonitas-artworks/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Xavier Yarto’s Postmodernist “Ninas Bonitas” Artworks." January 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/xavier-yartos-postmodernist-ninas-bonitas-artworks/.

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