Zombie Apocalypse Team

An apocalypse can end human existence; hence there is a need to have a team that can help one to survive. The individuals can also help build a society once calm has been restored. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, one needs five team members: a team leader, an expert, a thinker, a fighter, and a worker. This paper, therefore, discusses five team members one can need during the apocalypse and who can be of help when the apocalypse dies down.

The first individual one should consider is a team leader responsible for keeping the team together. In this case, the leader helps motivate the team, gives hope, and provides direction in safe places. Another individual who should be a group member is an expert (Blogger). The expert, in this case, should have technical skills, which should help with communication with the outside world to find out if there are safer places or transportation.

The third person who is also essential is a thinker who takes the time to note some of the zombies’ weaknesses and use them to fight them off. The fourth individual on the team is a fighter who ensures the unit is safely delivered (Blogger). The member also doubles as a source of courage in the group. Lastly, a zombie apocalypse team also requires a worker who follows the plan designed by the leader.

After a zombie apocalypse, there is a need to rebuild society; hence a team leader can help build the community. In this case, a team leader helps gather the survivors and engage them in cleaning the community, farming, and barricading the perimeters against future attacks. An expert is also vital while rebuilding society as they can help in research work essential in re-constructing houses, roads, water, and sewage lines.

In conclusion, apocalypse results in property loss and damage; hence, one should be equipped with food, a team, and weapons of survival. Communication is also essential in the process to help know how effects of the apocalypse in other areas. Lastly, investing in medicine is also necessary to prevent one from being infected and cure those infected. Therefore, a team is the best bet for survival and should consist of members with different skills.

Work Cited

Blogger, Guest. “6 Employee Types for Your Zombie Apocalypse Team.” HR Software with Heart. Focus on People, Not Processes.

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StudyCorgi. "Zombie Apocalypse Team." July 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/zombie-apocalypse-team/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Zombie Apocalypse Team." July 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/zombie-apocalypse-team/.

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