360 Express Collision: Staffing Policies

Staffing Policy to be Incorporated

An ethnocentric approach allows for the integration of uniform practices for members of the same institution across different countries. Using the ethnocentric approach, 360 Express Collision company will select workers different from the domestic country to the headquarters and vice versa.

Reasons for Choosing the above Staffing Policy

Based on the EPRG model, institutions apply three strategies in international marketing and staffing. Ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric methods are implemented depending on the strategies employed by the corporation in acquiring new subsidiaries (Drachal, 2014). Additionally, Singh et al. (2019) suggests that in ethnocentric approach, any activity in a foreign market is considered temporary, allowing the company to employ staff on short-term basis from the country that it operates in.

Article on Staffing Policy

According to the article “Cultures and institutions: Dispositional and contextual explanations for country-of-origin effects in MNC’ ethnocentric ‘staffing practices,” by Lee et al., (2022) the internationalization strategy of an organization depends on the firm’s objectives regarding its competitiveness. Besides, Lee et al. (2022) identifies ethnocentrism as bad behavior regarding cultural appropriation since it creates a comparison between one culture and the others wherein an individual inclines towards their familiar traditions.


Drachal, K. (2014). What do we know from EPRG model? Ecoforum Journal, 3(2), 10. Web.

Lee, H. J., Yoshikawa, K., & Harzing, A. W. (2022). Cultures and institutions: Dispositional and contextual explanations for country-of-origin effects in MNC’ ethnocentric ‘staffing practices. Organization Studies, 43(4), 497-519. Web.

Singh, D., Pattnaik, C., Lee, J. Y., & Gaur, A. S. (2019). Subsidiary staffing, cultural friction, and subsidiary performance: Evidence from Korean subsidiaries in 63 countries. Human Resource Management, 58(2), 219-234. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "360 Express Collision: Staffing Policies." July 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/360-express-collision-staffing-policies/.


StudyCorgi. "360 Express Collision: Staffing Policies." July 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/360-express-collision-staffing-policies/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "360 Express Collision: Staffing Policies." July 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/360-express-collision-staffing-policies/.

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