A Biological Explanation of the Mind

One of the models of considering consciousness in relation to the body perceives the mind as non-material information and a way of organizing it. A brain is a material object representing its own computer, which allows you to connect blocks of information with each other, which are the main content of the mind. The biological explanation of the mind is simpler than in informational philosophy – the entire human mind ultimately consists of neurons connected through synapses and providing comprehension of the experiences of our body. Complex nervous systems also allow the reproduction of impressions, since neurons trigger a complex of original experiences.

The mind located in the brain allows you to control the material body through predetermined actions, chosen by the power of influence from a variety of probabilities. These variants appear as additional micro-level activity of the brain, the noise of experiencing previous experiences. But in the end, the brain is faced with the need to make a decision, and the command is transmitted through neurons to the motor apparatus. Thus, mental events adequately predetermine bodily events. The human nervous system, however, is capable of being an independent agent that affects the brain and, accordingly, the human mind. Signals passing through the body and registered by the nervous system and brainstem are capable of influencing a person’s self-awareness, their emotional self-awareness. This is an example of how our body involuntarily affects the brain and consciousness.

The historical example of Finnes Gage’s case highlights the extent to which the material repository in the form of the brain is connected to our mind or soul. The patient became notorious for having an iron rod run through his brain in an accident. Gage miraculously survived losing his eye, but his habits and behavior have completely changed. As it turned out, those parts of the brain that were responsible for restraining primitive impulses were damaged, which made his relatives and friends stop seeing him as the same person. However, this case gave impetus to the entire neurophysiological scientific movement that studies the close relationship between the brain and consciousness.

The use of psychoactive substances can distort the habitual state of the brain and lead to changes in consciousness, also known as mental disorders. Among these deviations are paranoia, depression, anxiety disorder, and a change in mood to sharply aggressive as possible. Moreover, the psychotic insanity can be so strong that the person will experience hallucinations in which he will believe. Various treatments for cognitive distortions through physical influence are possible. Particular attention should be paid to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. This is a special procedure in which a magnetic coil is applied to the head and directs electromagnetic wave-like pulsations that are repeated by the brain. Specific patterns can clearly be used to treat psychiatric conditions such as depression. Side effects include headache, scalp irritation, and facial muscle spasms.

There are also more cruel and uncompromising medical interventions. Lobotomy, for example, was introduced in the 19th century in order to eliminate excessive unwanted emotions that caused the patient to become insane. Surprisingly, some people who have undergone this procedure, which includes double drilling of the skull, have actually improved. Lobotomy allowed a patient from the 1940s to completely get rid of suicidal ideas. However, the results are still described for the most part as unpredictable and even tragic. Thus, the external influence on the brain and its consequences seems to be individual and cannot be fully generalized.

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StudyCorgi. "A Biological Explanation of the Mind." June 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-biological-explanation-of-the-mind/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "A Biological Explanation of the Mind." June 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-biological-explanation-of-the-mind/.

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