“A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement” by Alicia Garza

The widespread social inequality and injustice towards African Americans have become the inspiration for various groups and organizations intending to protect their inherent rights. In A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, Alicia Garza (2014) provides valuable insights, determining the origins of this action group, its primary objectives, and pressing issues. First, she indicates that it was created by three Black women for protecting fellow nationals against police oppression. However, the movement soon broadened significantly, turning into a force, acting in all spheres where “Black people are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity” (Garza, 2014, para. 14). The author also discusses the true meaning of these activities and their significance for society in general. Emphasizing the disproportionate criminalization, poverty, and oppression of African Americans, she concludes that changing the situation would allow everybody to have “a better shot at getting and staying free” (Garza, 2014, para. 16). Finally, Garza (2014) dwells on the pressing issues of misinterpreting the role of this group and forgetting its origins. Combined, this generates a story of the Black Lives Matter movement, its intentions, and goals from the perspective of one of its founders.

Several aspects mentioned in the article deserve particular attention and consideration. First, I would like to note the broad character of the movement, which outgrew its initial framework and became a uniting force for millions of people fighting for African Americans’ rights. Targeting “those that have been marginalized,” has transformed the traditional Black liberation campaign and protected the most vulnerable society members (Garza, 2014, para. 13). Another idea deserving a specific review is the danger of substituting the original calls with some more generalized statements such as “All Lives Matter.” Although it may seem a reasonable way to counter any manifestations of racism and oppression, this hides the state-based “program of genocide and repression” against African Americans (Garza, 2014, para. 19). Therefore, the article provides a comprehensive story of the Black Lives Matter movement and indicates the importance of understanding its opportunities and expansion limitations.


Garza, A. (2014). A herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter movement by Alicia Garza. The Feminist Wire. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "“A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement” by Alicia Garza." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-herstory-of-the-blacklivesmatter-movement-by-alicia-garza/.


StudyCorgi. "“A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement” by Alicia Garza." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-herstory-of-the-blacklivesmatter-movement-by-alicia-garza/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "“A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement” by Alicia Garza." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-herstory-of-the-blacklivesmatter-movement-by-alicia-garza/.

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