A High Level of Corporate Social Responsibility in IKEA


My personal experience with a company with a high level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is IKEA. A CSR company does not put its own profit first, it is much more important for such a business to demonstrate positive practices aimed at improving the well-being of the community (Winston, 2020). IKEA can be called a high CSR company due to its green initiatives and behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.


IKEA highlights the key themes of its activities aimed at making the world better. The company pays great attention to the development of an ecological lifestyle, reducing the negative impact on the environment and educating socially responsible employees (IKEA, 2022). A significant step towards social responsibility is the use of renewable sources in production (IKEA, 2022). The company contributes to the growth of adherents of an eco-friendly lifestyle. My experience has been connected with the recycling of batteries and other popular household waste. Sorting at IKEA is convenient and fast, which increases the number of people who care about the environment.

IKEA has been making everyday life easier for people during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the help of an established delivery network and a virtual room simulation service, I managed to strike a balance between study and leisure, which was extremely important in isolation. IKEA expressed with its approach the stability that was lacking in a rapidly changing environment. By making people’s lives more organized, IKEA has contributed to social well-being during a difficult period for the country and the world.


In conclusion, IKEA is a company with a high level of CSR. Sustainable production, organized waste sorting and assistance during the pandemic are examples of how IKEA makes a significant contribution to respect for the environment and the community. The positive example of a large corporation acting primarily in the public interest encourages individuals and small businesses to take steps toward demonstrating a socially responsible approach.


IKEA (2022). The IKEA sustainability strategy – Making a real difference. About Us. Web.

Winston, A. (2020). How did business’s role in society change in 2020? Harvard Business Review. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "A High Level of Corporate Social Responsibility in IKEA." February 3, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/a-high-level-of-corporate-social-responsibility-in-ikea/.


StudyCorgi. "A High Level of Corporate Social Responsibility in IKEA." February 3, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/a-high-level-of-corporate-social-responsibility-in-ikea/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "A High Level of Corporate Social Responsibility in IKEA." February 3, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/a-high-level-of-corporate-social-responsibility-in-ikea/.

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