A Mental Model of Occam’s Razor Nowadays

Unfortunately, a mental model like Occam’s razor has stopped working for me lately. According to this approach, one should choose the simplest available option as it is often the right one (Senge, 2006). Bates agrees that the simplest explanation is often the best option (2019). Occam’s razor, for many people, is especially effective in situations where the amount of available information is limited, but it is necessary to make certain conclusions. However, this model has stopped working for me, as I began to worry that I might be underestimating the less likely options and not considering essential details.

Using this technique makes me feel like I am not taking my personal or professional life decisions seriously. In my opinion, this model needs to be changed so that it is not about choosing the most straightforward solution but about conducting thought experiments and making informed decisions. With their help, one can find out what the consequences of specific actions will be. This would be useful for people like me, who often worry about many little things. I feel that the range of applications of the new model is extensive. An example of using this approach would be when a person becomes ill before an important event. According to this model, it is necessary to imagine what different choices will lead to. If reflection reveals that the safest thing to do is postpone the meeting, that is the best option.

When I am under stress, I become less productive. My worries stem from the fact that I always choose the most straightforward choices without thinking about the less likely possibilities. Changing my mental model and utilizing Hanlon’s Razor model can help me gain control over my professional and personal problems by thinking before making assumptions (Bates, 2019). For example, when choosing a new job, I will be more relaxed, knowing that I have thought carefully about the aspects that cause me concern. My performance will significantly improve by getting rid of the anxiety that often haunts me. To summarize, my new model of mental experimentation will allow me to identify the best solution for my problems. Occam’s model suggests going for the simplest option. However, as it is not working, I have decided to consider available options succinctly and use Hanlon’s Razor model to make options that suit me best.


Bates, T. (2019). How to think differently: 7 easy steps to master mental models, critical thinking, decision… making & problem solving. Lulu.com.

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline. New York: Doubleday.

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1. StudyCorgi. "A Mental Model of Occam’s Razor Nowadays." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-mental-model-of-occams-razor-nowadays/.


StudyCorgi. "A Mental Model of Occam’s Razor Nowadays." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-mental-model-of-occams-razor-nowadays/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "A Mental Model of Occam’s Razor Nowadays." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-mental-model-of-occams-razor-nowadays/.

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