A Self-Leadership Theory Based on Self-Regulation, Self-Management, Self-Determination, Positive Psychology

Self-Regulation Theory


The self-regulation theory is closely related to the social cognitive theory as the notion of influence and observation is incorporated in both frameworks. According to researchers, self-regulation stems from one’s skill to plan, monitor, and perceive behavior (de la Fuente et al., 2022). Self-regulation is achieved when a person understands the environment in which a behavior is generated and changes or alters it depending on the circumstances. The change can occur in one’s goals, pattern of thoughts, and perceptions.

Personal Reflection

However, the ability to be resilient is at the core of the theory and is a concept that I can incorporate into my self-leadership journey. On the other hand, a lack of self-regulatory mechanisms can have an extremely negative connotation. Researchers mention harmful behaviors such as extreme spending of resources and addiction problems in cases in which a person does not know how to self-regulate. The regulation occurs due to the desire to incorporate standards, an incentive to follow them, monitoring of instances in which the aforementioned standards are not met, and self-control.


An example of an instance in which self-regulation is essential is in a professional environment. A person who does not self-regulate and whose primary goal is generating the highest possible income can engage in unethical and illegal activity to accomplish it. In my personal life, I can incorporate self-regulation regarding the milestones I want to accomplish. According to the theory, I need to be self-reflective and alter my actions and desires depending on circumstances. It is essential to be active as a leader and aware of the need for change (Billore et al., 2023). This is especially the case when following personal standards and ethical concerns.

Social-Cognitive Theory


As highlighted, the Social Cognitive Theory is connected to the Self-Regulation theory. However, social cognition explains the variables that motivate a person to change or maintain behavior. Researchers highlight that the interaction between variables leads to a positive effect (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020). For example, a child growing up in a family that values academic achievements and provides support for said achievements to be obtained is more likely to experience success.

Personal Reflection

In my personal self-leadership journey, the framework can be incorporated when it comes to my interactions with the environment in which I operate. Specifically, operating in a team where employees support each other and are motivated by the leaders is an excellent motivator. On the one hand, I will observe which strategies and actions lead to corporate success as per the supervision of other individuals. On the other hand, based on my colleagues’ praise or negative commentary, I will learn which behavior leads to success and which correlates with efficiency.


The theory is important regarding the connection between external factors and internal processes. Researchers highlight the importance of the environment in one’s motivation to engage in an activity to reach specific milestones (Liu et al., 2022). I incorporate the framework by selecting environments in which growth and improvement are supported. Communication with knowledgeable people who can efficiently guide or accompany me on a self-improvement path generates confidence and a desire to improve. As a result, the social condition impacts my behavior and makes me more driven and motivated while giving me an understanding of which actions I should incorporate.



Self-management is an essential model in all forms of leadership as it implies the regulation of behavior with the goal of generating success in one’s life or work. For a person to engage in self-management, the requirement is to have a set of tools that lead to behavioral changes (Dineen-Griffin et al., 2019). For example, I can plan a more productive day through time management or self-regulate in difficult situations through stress management. Nonetheless, self-management is an efficient skill that generates productivity and efficiency in work-related affairs and personal life when interacting with friends or family members.

Personal Reflection

I implement self-management when I notice that my path toward leadership lacks organization and order. For example, when I do not incorporate a balanced approach toward my time, my attention is entirely consumed in one area while the others are unattended. This is often the case when it comes to self-improvement. Reading literature on growth and motivation can captivate me in a way that I do not engage in as many social activities. However, self-management that manifests itself in time management allows me to be more thoughtful about diverting my attention. As a result, the framework allows me to improve as it inspires self-reflection, intending to become more productive and self-sufficient.


Being a great leader is connected to being an efficient manager, as organization and planning are essential elements of goal achievement. Another example is a patient who does not have a healthy lifestyle and only relies on doctors to give him medicine and cure him (Dineen-Griffin et al., 2019). Taking control and realizing my own responsibilities is critical and can be achieved by managing myself.

Self-Determination Theory


Self-determination relates to an innate psychological motivation to succeed. Researchers mention that it relates to the three concepts of autonomy, relatedness, and competence (Fernández-Espínola et al., 2020). Self-determination is a concept that I believe to be vital in my path toward leadership. While I rely on the guidance and recognition of others to a certain extent, I have determined that achieving success in a domain mainly correlates with my personal choice and decision to pursue it.


An example is the disciplines I selected to learn as a self-leadership choice in school. The subjects I found exciting and captivating were those I took the initiative in both individual assignments and group projects. On the other hand, the topics that were either recommended by teachers or friends but did not spark an exceptional interest in me were less likely to inspire me.

Simultaneously, self-determination is related to a topic of lifestyle choice. As highlighted prior, Fernández-Espínola et al. (2020) mention the importance of having a sense of belonging and acceptance. In my personal life, I incorporate this by operating in supporting teams and groups. In my professional life, I select departments where others are on the same page as me regarding professional growth and are on their path of self-leadership. Similarly, having friends who support or share my goals has been an efficient way to maintain self-determination. Such a support system is also effective in mitigating stagnancy. An environment where people share the objective of improving is fruitful for my journey toward becoming a good and proficient leader for myself and others.

Positive Psychology


Positive psychology focuses on strengths that can further generate well-being. Hence, it is a field that aims to construct happiness rather than disarm a person’s negative experience. Researchers highlight its main focus as reaching determinism, confidence, maturity, and self-determination (Ryff, 2022). I widely apply the framework in my daily life and leadership journey. Some of the practices that I apply are connected to mindfulness and gratitude. It is common for me to focus on the negative and dismiss the positive. Such a phenomenon is common as humans tend to pay attention to the strongest emotions, which are often negative ones. However, positive psychology allows me to reconnect to the positive things in life.


An example of a situation in which I fail to see positives is the desire to improve while focusing on the things I have yet to achieve. Hence, I see the aspects of life that are yet to be reached and the difficulties of my chosen paths. Positive psychology, however, teaches me to take a step back and consider the advances that I already have. The small wins are noticed, creating a positive overview of my efforts.

Another aspect I incorporate is the concept mentioned by researchers of adult personality development (Ryff, 2022). Maturity implies being patient and not focusing on instant gratification but having a long-term plan. As a result, I apply positive psychology when working on the goals that I will achieve years or decades from now without being disappointed with the lack of an instant win or success. This generates gratitude for the favorable outcomes I have experienced and the maturity to understand that self-improvement is a long path with delayed yet meaningful gratifications.


Billore, S., Anisimova, T., & Vrontis, D. (2023). Self-regulation and goal-directed behavior: A systematic literature review, public policy recommendations, and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 156. Web.

de la Fuente, J., Martínez-Vicente, J. M., Santos, F. H., Sander, P., Fadda, S., Karagiannopoulou, E., Boruchovitch, E., & Kauffman, D. F. (2022). Advances on self-regulation models: A new research agenda through the SR vs. ER behavior theory in different psychology contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. Web.

Dineen-Griffin, S., Garcia-Cardenas, V., Williams, K., & Benrimoj, S. I. (2019). Helping patients help themselves: A systematic review of self-management support strategies in Primary Health Care Practice. PLOS ONE, 14(8). Web.

Fernández-Espínola, C., Almagro, B. J., Tamayo-Fajardo, J. A., & Sáenz-López, P. (2020). Complementing the self-determination theory with the need for novelty: Motivation and intention to be physically active in physical education students. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Web.

Liu, J., Zeng, M., Wang, D., Zhang, Y., Shang, B., & Ma, X. (2022). Applying social cognitive theory in predicting physical activity among Chinese adolescents: A cross-sectional study with multigroup structural equation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Web.

Ryff, C. D. (2022). Positive psychology: Looking back and looking forward. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. Web.

Schunk, D. H., & DiBenedetto, M. K. (2020). Motivation and social cognitive theory. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 60. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, January 15). A Self-Leadership Theory Based on Self-Regulation, Self-Management, Self-Determination, Positive Psychology. https://studycorgi.com/a-self-leadership-theory-based-on-self-regulation-self-management-self-determination-positive-psychology/

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1. StudyCorgi. "A Self-Leadership Theory Based on Self-Regulation, Self-Management, Self-Determination, Positive Psychology." January 15, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/a-self-leadership-theory-based-on-self-regulation-self-management-self-determination-positive-psychology/.


StudyCorgi. "A Self-Leadership Theory Based on Self-Regulation, Self-Management, Self-Determination, Positive Psychology." January 15, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/a-self-leadership-theory-based-on-self-regulation-self-management-self-determination-positive-psychology/.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "A Self-Leadership Theory Based on Self-Regulation, Self-Management, Self-Determination, Positive Psychology." January 15, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/a-self-leadership-theory-based-on-self-regulation-self-management-self-determination-positive-psychology/.

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