Academic Integrity Analysis

Timothy Sunny, a student, is supposedly involved in the academic violation of the UTA Honor Code. Mr. Sunny hands in his assignment on SafeAssign, and a similarity report generated indicates a 20% match. This means that almost the entire work submitted by the student is like existing sources and documents. The student’s work shows higher similarity to other sources meaning he copied the work from other students, which violates academic integrity.

The fundamental values of integrity in academic institutions are trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, and, most importantly, honesty. Academic integrity is generally held with high regard, and students are expected to adhere to the stipulated guidelines during their studies at any institution of learning (Awasthi, 2019). When undertaking academic assignments such as reports and essays, guidelines are usually given to students. From the report provided, it is apparent that Sunny’s work has a high level of similarity with existing sources. There is a section of the task whereby the paper’s content portrays content that is 86% identical to online sources. Therefore, it shows that the student did not undertake proper citation of the work. As a result of failing to paraphrase and credit sources, Sunny has violated the UTA Honor Code.

The SafeAssign system offers an interpretation of the general score. In this case, quoted text and paraphrased materials need to be appropriately cited. Despite there being a high similarity between the work and online sources, there is no citation of the sources which the text originates from. The report indicates that Sunny’s task is 20% similar to published sources. It appears that the student tried to paraphrase material properly but failed to cite it properly. As a result of this violation, Sunny will be found culpable as he has made a few adjustments in language and submitted other students’ work.


Awasthi, S. (2019). Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct: A Systematic Review. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 39(2).

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