Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records

The main aim of “Appendix 2:Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records California Code of Regulations Title 8 General Industry Safety Orders Section 3204” is to enhance access to exposure and medical records. The document is published for employees, their representatives and representatives from the Division of Occupational Safety. In this case workers need to be exposed to toxic substances or other harmful agents (California Dental Association, n.d.). Enhancing access to exposure and medical records is necessary to achieve direct and indirect improvements in the diagnosis, intervention and prevention of occupational illness.

Employee medical record has to address a worker’s health status as indicated by a healthcare professional. A medical record can include diagnoses, test results, health progression, first aid reports and any medical complaints made by an employee in the course of their work. Exposure refers to a worker coming into contact with a toxic substance while carrying out work duties. In this case, situations whereby an employer can prove that toxic substances are not used in the workplace cannot be termed as exposure. A toxic substance can be any chemical material, biological agents, and physical stress resulting from noise, increased heat or cold.

An employer is required to preserve employees’ medical records for at least thirty years but has exceptions for certain types of records. Health insurance claims and first aid records are often maintained by the owner’s medical program. An employer also has to maintain workers’ exposure records for about thirty years. It is also necessary for business owners to ensure that workers or their designated representatives have unrestricted access to needed records in a reasonable manner. In other cases an employee might require a copy of the records which their employer has to provide.


California Dental Association. (n.d.). Appendix 2: Access to employee exposure and medical records California Code of Regulations Title 8 General Industry Safety Orders Section 3204.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 25). Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records.

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