Actionable Gamification and Its Elements

Gamification is the inclusion of game-inspired elements in non-gaming internet environment to increase motivation and engagement levels for the users. Gamification is used to create influence in websites, online community, business, and learning management system by tapping on product experience using games. According to Fitz-Walter et al. (2021), gamification market is trending especially to become one of the contemporary methods of learning, advertising and marketing. The elements of gaming pivot on psychological influence of the users. Gamification has multiple application to provide extrinsic reinforcemt that trigger internal motivation to action.

The major elements of gamification are points, timers, badges, and leaderboards. Points are rewards for completing the quests to provide adventure and stimulation in gamification. Timers create a sense of urgency, tension or pressure to ensure the goals are achieved within the set time (Yu-kai, 2006). Badges in gamification are majorly used in learning to reward and symbolize strengths and areas of expertise. Leaderboards are used to assess the relative success of a player against a certain criterion to identify the best performers and rank them. Gamification is applied in business, banking, marketing, medicine, innovation, personal development, education and science.

I will use gamification to motivate and improve my exercising and fitness. Gamification will keep track of my progress, record high scores, and reward badges to me when I achieve certain results. Using gamification, I can also compare my results with other people involved in exercise and set goals to achieve. Gamification will engage my interest and trigger my intrinsic motivation of regular exercising. Regular physical activity is critical to me to boost my endurance, physical health and muscle strength. The capacity of gamification to improve functionality, engage with the human brain and influence is improving its application in products, workplace, marketing, and lifestyle.


Fitz-Walter, Zac. (2021), “5 Top Examples of Gamification.” Make a Video Game in Minutes Not Months, Web.

Chou, Yu-kai. (2006). A Framework on Actionable Gamification. Talks at Google, Web.

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