Active Directory Domains: Cloud Services

In this part of the paper, Microsoft’s Active Directory, which is one of the latest approaches to managing networks, will be discussed. Despite being a challenging technology to install and manage, cloud services provide numerous advantages that make them highly popular among companies of any size (Bin Abid). Active Directory centralizes network monitoring and gives administrators a set of tools to manage it efficiently. Its power to optimize a company’s internal network is evident when there are multiple resources located within it and must be accessed on the fly. Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) lies in the foundation of this technology and gives organizations the ability to manage user access through a hierarchical structure based on trust levels (Benefits of Active Directory Domain Services). In conclusion, this technology organizes a firm’s IT resources by giving them easy-to-use identifiers within an easy-to-use format.

There is a multitude of file managers, with many of them aiming to provide an upgrade in functions over the default Explorer. In this part of the paper, FreeCommander will be reviewed and compared with a standard Windows file browser. Aside from having a simpler and more efficient view of a folder structure, FreeCommander gives a clear picture of folders’ and files’ parameters. Aside from having basic functions, FreeCommander also possesses a built-in plugin for working with archives and checksums.

Currently, I use the default Windows Explorer as a file manager utility, although it lacks the functions that make working with multiple objects more comfortable. Moreover, FreeCommander gives better filtering and search tools for its users over Explorer, which also takes less time due to the indexing approach to files’ contents. I noticed that it is quicker to respond to and easier to control as well due to the possibility for users to define hotkeys, although it has a downside in the form of view settings. In conclusion, FreeCommander is not only a viable replacement but an upgrade over Windows Explorer.

Works Cited

Bin Abid, Emad. “Benefits of Active Directory (Pros and Cons).” Cloud Infrastructure Services, Web.

“Benefits of Active Directory Domain Services.” Intelecis, Web.

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