Adolph Hitler’s Moral Conscience and Leadership


Despite an existing variety of attitudes towards Adolph Hitler and his violence, most people recognize his leadership style as one of the most successful and effective at the global level. Being one of the most popular world leaders, Hitler was able to start World War II and sent millions of people to die following his pride and personal ambitions.


Thus, discrimination based on racial inequality and his hate for Jews, also known as antisemitism, is one of the major ethical issues in Hitler’s leadership. In one of his writings, Hitler defined conscience as a blemish Jewish invention (as cited in Cawthorne, 2022). It means that the leader did not want to consider conscience as something critical but tried to prove it as offensive and weak. He had a goal of world power and saw Jews as a threat to his personal growth and prosperity. The absence of moral conscience in Hitler did not challenge his leadership style but made him more determined to solve ethical dilemmas.

Unlike modern leaders and most Biblical characters obsessed with achieving moral justice, equality, and freedom of thought, Hitler did not want to liberate other people. He intended to show the way how to eradicate the oppression of moral conscience. He did not need forgiveness or public understanding because his conscience obeyed nobody. There was no moral truth to be followed, and his ultimate authority was the only approved tactic.


In conclusion, regarding the experience demonstrated by Hitler during such a short period, it is possible to say that the absence of moral conscience in leadership and discrimination is even more challenging than its presence and impact. Therefore, Hitler deserves recognition for understanding ethical issues as a determining factor in his progress and popularity.


Cawthorne, N. (2022). The evil madness of Hitler: The damning psychiatric profile. Sirius.

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