Advanced Nursing Practice and Advanced Practice Nurse

Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) is a level of nursing practice that includes a broad variety of nursing duties that call for specialized knowledge, competence, and decision-making (Hart & Bell, 2022). In contrast, an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a registered nurse who has pursued and completed specialized training in a subspecialty of nursing; as a result, they have developed advanced knowledge and clinical skill in that area. APNs play a vital role in shaping healthcare reform attributable to their specialized training, advanced knowledge of the field, and dedication to patients’ best interests (Heinen et al., 2019).

The Four Roles of Advanced Practice Nursing

Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) is a high-level of nursing practice that involves the integration of knowledge, skills, and experience to deliver safe, effective, and quality healthcare services. The term Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is used to refer to a wide variety of advanced nursing positions that are often filled by nurses with education and experience above the bachelor’s level (Torrens et al., 2020). The four roles of Advanced Practice Nursing are:

  1. Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS): A CNS is an expert in a specific area of clinical nursing practice, such as pediatrics, geriatrics, or critical care. They provide direct patient care, lead quality improvement initiatives, and act as consultants to other nurses and healthcare professionals (Hart & Bell, 2022).
  2. Nurse Practitioner (NP): An NP is a primary care provider who can diagnose and treat common illnesses, manage chronic conditions, and prescribe medications. They provide patient-centered care, and their scope of practice varies by state (Hart & Bell, 2022).
  3. Nurse Educator: A nurse educator is a nursing professional who teaches and trains other nurses and healthcare providers. They develop and implement educational programs and work to improve the quality of nursing education and patient care (Hart & Bell, 2022).
  4. Nurse Administrator: A nurse administrator is a leader who manages healthcare organizations and services. They oversee budgets, manage staff, and develop policies and procedures to ensure quality patient care (Hart & Bell, 2022).

The Role I Intend to Acquire through South University

I am a student that is dedicated to advancing my knowledge and skills as a nurse practitioner. I am interested in acquiring an advanced nursing practice degree through South University to further my education and gain expertise in the nursing field. My nursing philosophy is to give my patients with tailored care by acknowledging their special circumstances, educating patients and their families, and giving them unconditionally compassionate and exceptional care.

Various life events have shaped my current approach to studies, work and life. Relatively recently, I lost my younger brother to COVID-19, and this event had a substantial influence on my decision to pursue advanced nursing practice.

I remember the day I lost my younger brother like it was yesterday. The pain and sadness that I felt were overwhelming, and I was left with so many unanswered questions. How could this happen? Why him? What could I have done differently? In the midst of my grief, I started to think about how I could honor my brother’s memory and make a difference in the world. I wanted to do something that would increase kindness and compassion and help those who were struggling. That is when I decided to study nursing because I realized that as a nurse, I would have the ability to make a real difference in people’s lives and provide the kind of compassionate care that my brother deserved. I wanted to be the kind of nurse who could make a difference in the world, even in the smallest way.

So, I started to study various research papers on nursing practices to familiarize myself with the key ethics of the nursing profession and its core principles. At the same time, in my free time, I tried to do volunteering at local hospitals or charity organizations. It was not easy, but every time I helped someone in need, I felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment. I was making a difference, and that was all that mattered. In addition, I started to make charitable donations to organizations that supported causes I cared about, like cancer research and mental health awareness. Every little bit helped, and I knew that even a small donation could make a big difference in someone’s life.

Interview Questions

  1. Can you tell us about your background and how you became an ARNP-C in family practice?
  2. How do you approach patient education and ensure that patients and their families understand the disease process?
  3. What is your philosophy when it comes to providing compassionate care to patients and their families?
  4. How do you manage the stress and emotional demands of being an ARNP-C in family practice?
  5. Can you share a specific patient case or experience that has impacted your approach to patient care?
  6. What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing family practice clinicians today, and how do you address them?
  7. What strategies do you use to ensure that you are providing high-quality care to your patients?
  8. How do you approach working with patients who may be resistant to medical advice or treatment?
  9. What advice would you give to other clinicians who are dealing with the loss of a loved one or facing personal challenges while providing patient care?
  10. How do you prioritize patient needs and concerns in a busy clinical setting?
  11. How do you collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure the best outcomes for your patients?
  12. What role do you see technology playing in the future of family practice and healthcare more broadly?
  13. How do you approach managing the administrative and organizational aspects of your clinical practice?
  14. What advice would you give to aspiring ARNP-C’s who are looking to enter the field of family practice?


Hart, C., & Bell, P. L. (2022). Advancing Nursing Practice: Exploring roles and opportunities for clinicians, educators, and leaders. Wolters Kluwer.

Heinen, M., van Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(11), 2378-2392, Web.

Torrens, C., Campbell, P., Hoskins, G., Strachan, H., Wells, M., Cunningham, M., Bottone, H., Polson, R., & Maxwell, M. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the advanced nurse practitioner role in primary care settings: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104, 103443. Web.

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