Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s Policy and Work

Health Systems, Policy, and Resource Management

The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (from now on referred to as APRN) is a graduate medical professional with a higher education who has specialized skills and knowledge that can be useful during the process of practice. The US federal policy adopted in 2010 aims at supporting young professionals in the sphere of nursing and assisting them in finding employment (United States Congress House Committee on Health Care, 2010). The state program of support of public health that provides more affordable insurance promotes the formation of APRNs as a qualified professional and defines this post as promising and actively developing. At the same time, such nurses have a heavy responsibility. As it is known, health policymakers require constant analysis to approve their funding. Thus, APRN is to work according to the conditions established by the local law.

The key essence of the public policy concerning APRN is that the government responds to all comments on possible problems and takes timely measures to eliminate inconveniences in the workflow (Frick, Cohen, & Stone, 2013). The quality and speed of such a response directly affect the workability of nurses and their satisfaction with a current job. There is a public policy called Medicare, and Frick et al. (2013) remark that this program requires a constant contact of APRNs with the authorities controlling the healthcare system in a particular region (in this case, in Miami). For example, if a patient makes a request or complaint, the government is obliged to pay attention to this issue, regardless of whether it is sufficiently substantiated or not. This approach to work aims at encouraging nurses’ responsibility and is direct proof of the quality of the public policy.

A social program means the provision of medical aid to the population, as well as the planning and implementation of new methods and techniques for organizing the work of medical employees. Frick et al. (2013) claim that the impact of Medicaid, which is a policy aimed at supporting the poor, requires a strong involvement from nurses and makes them acquire new knowledge, self-develop, and work on the introduction of appropriate nursing interventions. This type of policy encourages medical personnel to work more efficiently and provides better training for specialists.

Professional Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse

The main difference between the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) from the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and the Primary Care Provider (PCP) is that the latter two posts assist individuals or families. FNP and PCP, as a rule, provide medical care at all stages of treatment. APN is a more narrowly focused specialist who works with particular cases due to the acquired professional skills.

Educational Requirements and Professional Competencies

While comparing educational requirements for FNP or PCP with those that APN should have, there is a significant difference. For example, if it is the specialty of women’s health nurse practitioner, the qualification of APN, and the required level of knowledge should be much higher. Ordinary nurses do not need to possess exceptional practical skills to perform highly specialized work. An employee with a higher qualification has particular knowledge that allows making serious decisions regarding a treatment course and possibly medical intervention. Perhaps, all these posts have one common factor: these medical workers help patients in their recovery; nevertheless, the educational level of APNs is higher and more advanced.

The professional competencies of FNP, PCP, and APN are also different. For example, an APN can qualify for a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, which gives such an employee rather serious credentials. The ability to provide patients with anesthesia is an essential procedure. FNP and PCP do not have the opportunity to practice such skills due to the lack of knowledge and the absence of an appropriate document confirming the right to engage in such work (Reddy, Pollack, Asch, Canamucio, & Werner, 2015). These three specialties have one similarity: their goal is to provide patients with care and conduct necessary procedures.

Scope of Practice

Compared to ordinary nurses, APNs specialize in work that requires a deeper knowledge than those which FNP and PCP study in the course of their training. The duties of APNs can include providing such services as surgical assisting during operations, providing anesthesia, psychiatric work, etc. It means that a nurse with higher qualifications works in departments of a higher level and uses specialized knowledge and skills.

Among patients undergoing FNP and PCP care, there may be ordinary people who turn to a doctor with a general problem. As Melnyk, Gallagher-Ford, Long, and Fineout-Overholt (2014) remark, these nurses monitor the health of families and individuals and provide timely assistance. The range of APN’s tasks is extensive enough. People who turn to these nurses have problems that require serious medical intervention, for example, a surgical operation or a psychiatrist’s help.

The licensing procedure for these nurses is also different. FNP and PCP receive a standard certificate confirming their right to engage in nursing care. APNs have more advanced education and, accordingly, more authority (Melnyk et al., 2014). These graduates have personal documents that give them opportunities to conduct medical activities and practice at a higher level. Consequently, their work is regulated not only by the leadership of the local clinic but also by other healthcare organizations.


Frick, K. D., Cohen, C. C., & Stone, P. W. (2013). Analyzing economic outcomes in Advanced Practice Nursing. In R. M. Kleinpell (Ed.), Outcome assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing (3rd ed.), (pp. 45-72). New York, NY: Springer.

Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., Long, L. E., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2014). The establishment of evidence-based practice competencies for Practicing Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses in real-world clinical settings: Proficiencies to improve healthcare quality, reliability, patient Outcomes, and costs. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(1), 5-15.

Reddy, A., Pollack, C. E., Asch, D., Canamucio, A., & Werner, R. W. (2015). The effect of Primary Care Provider turnover on patient experience of care and ambulatory quality of care. JAMA Internal Medicine, 175(7), 1157-1162.

United States Congress House Committee on Health Care. (2010). Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Senate and House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, 2010. Washington, DC: President of the United States of America.

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