Advanced Practice Role in Nursing

This essay is aimed to consider the functions which nurses have in their advanced practice. The paper is going to touch on a nurse practitioner, a nurse educator, a nurse informatics specialist, and a nurse administrator. Besides, the functions are going to be compared and contrasted.

A nursing practitioner should be able to independently examine, provide a nursing diagnosis for certain groups of patients, and prescribe treatment for them. In such situations, nurses call for the doctor only in case they need a consultancy. Therefore, nursing practitioners in the advanced nursing practice are involved in the treatment of patients and responsible for it. As for nurse educators, they tend to are expected to communicate with various public organizations which consider issues of nursing practice in the framework of the healthcare system. They deal with the matter of professional reputation increase and organize workshops to contribute to the general qualification of nurses. Nurse educators need to dwell upon the legal issue of the profession. Nurse educators help nurses to be more effective and efficient in their responsibilities, as well as to get to know new information which is important for the profession and enables them to be up-to-date. When it comes to nursing informatics specialists, they are different from nurse practitioners in the following way: they mainly deal with technologies and special equipment (Blais, 2015).

In conclusion, it is necessary to point out that this essay has considered the functions which nurses have in their advanced practice. It is reflected on a nurse practitioner, a nurse educator, a nurse informatics specialist, and a nurse administrator. Besides, the functions have been compared and contrasted.


Blais, K. (2015). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. London, UK: Pearson.

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