Albert Einstein’s Writings and Their Significance


Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who founded modern physics. The scientist is famous for his humanitarian work, and he was also a public figure. Einstein’s biography is intense with interesting events because he was a courageous and strong personality. The scientist expressed his opinion on matters of public life and defended peace on a planet that was descending to war. Thus, it is essential to identify the main ideas in the scholar’s writings and establish his role in history.

Important Ideas

Once Albert Einstein published the general theory of relativity, it changed science. Relativity transformed the established understanding of the universe and provided new ways of studying the fundamental physics to which the surrounding world is subject. This theory is directly connected to the existence of human beings on a fundamental level. It has enabled the study and research of the cosmos, and on Earth, it is associated with many discoveries: from GPS to nuclear power, from smartphones to particle gas pedals (Hoffmann 21). Thus, numerous innovations people now use are possible through Einstein’s theory.

Einstein played an essential, indirect role in developing the first atomic bombs. In 1939, several physicists alerted him that nuclear fission capabilities could lead to disastrous consequences, especially if Nazi Germany developed a nuclear weapon (Matthew para 2). As a result, the scientist wrote a letter to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and expressed his concerns. That led to the creation of the famous Manhattan Project and two atomic bombs falling on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 (Matthew para 2). Although Einstein did not personally work on the development of the nuclear bomb, this letter accelerated work in this area in the United States. In the historical context, it is clear that the scientist was attempting to prevent nuclear war and the hegemony of one nation. Nevertheless, Einstein’s fundamental theoretical principles enabled humankind to create the atomic bomb.

It is crucial to remark that in a historical context, Einstein was a revolutionary who proposed inventive discoveries and declared faith in God. The scientist stated, “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. The fundamental emotion stands at the cradle of all true art and science” (Matthew para 4). Therefore, fame or recognition was not important in Einstein’s life. The scientist attempted to defend the rights of those who needed them since he tried to live according to the democratic principles of life.

Einstein’s Role in History

Significantly, after the scientist’s discoveries, Einstein gained the focus of public attention. The scientist interviewed discussed the importance of ending militarism and compulsory military service in Germany. Hence, Einstein’s role in history is vastly extended beyond that of a scientist. The scholar attempted to stop preparations for war by Niccienza and did not support the Zionist cause. Einstein tried to demonstrate a tolerant attitude toward the racial issue and often referred to his Jewish identity (Isaacson para 3). The scientist supported the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, which was not only a center for science but also a refuge for many individuals persecuted based on race.

It is essential to specify that Einstein’s intervention was also against American racism. He expressed his criticism in the following words, “they should be accounted for in time and after the exclusion of a large part of the colored population from active civil rights of the common practice is a slap in the face of the Constitution of the people” (Isaacson para 4). Thus, the role of the scholar in history is not limited to contributing to the development of science but also includes supporting people’s struggles for their rights.


Therefore, Einstein is an outstanding person in history; he was not only capable of producing discoveries that changed the world but also an active advocate of human rights. The development of the principles that made possible the nuclear bomb and the theory of relativity, which marked the beginning of technical progress that continues to this day, is an invaluable contribution of Einstein to science. Meanwhile, Einstein’s public statements of support for the Jews, and black people, and non-support for German ideology demonstrate the significant historical role of Einstein.

Works Cited

Hoffmann, Banesh. Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel. Plunkett Lake Press, 2019.

Isaacson, Walter. “Einstein & Faith.” TIME, Web.

Matthew, Francis. “How Albert Einstein used His Fame to Denounce American Racism.” Smithsonian Magazine, Web.

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