Alcoholism Issue: The Minimum Drinking Age


I believe that raising the minimum drinking age to 21 is the right decision made by the American government. Alcohol consumption is a process that leads to many serious problems, including antisocial and deviant behavior.


Moreover, alcoholism, according to the World Health Organization, is a congenital chronic disease that requires careful adherence to a regimen of restrictions. Considering the above-mentioned factors, it should be noted that alcoholism is a highly responsible step, often more important for life and health than enlisting in the army or getting married. Despite the fact that the age of majority in most countries is 18, this boundary does not correspond to the beginning of one’s adulthood. Usually, by this time, young people are just starting out on their own, with particularly high risks for their safety if alcohol consumption becomes available. Moreover, from the point of view of age psychology, the period of maturity and formation of the personality occurs at a more mature age. Many of the indicators of behavior and perception of reality are not stable enough and one can reject that the vast majority of young people by age 18 do not have a sufficient level of awareness and responsibility for their actions.


The maturity of an individual is determined by the degree of functional autonomy of his or her motivation. An adult individual is healthy and productive if he or she has surpassed early forms of motivation and acts quite consciously. Proceeding from this, it seems to me that the age of 21 is the most optimal since by this time the personality has had time to get used to independent life. Having separated from their parents, a person has an opportunity to self-reflect, to assess their weaknesses and the risks associated with them from alcohol consumption.

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