Alternative Medicine vs. Modern Medicine

In recent years, there have been a considerable number of discussions around the topic of alternative medicine. Millions of people claim that humanity should get back to traditional treatment methods as they are a more effective way of fighting illnesses. However, other individuals are sure that nothing can be compared to modern medicine that has achieved significant advancements and prolonged the life of people. Therefore, a continual emergence of these debates encourages the general public and medical professionals to research and deepen their understanding of different methods and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

According to various studies, alternative medicine is valid and can attain several objectives that contemporary treatments cannot. For instance, while synthetic drugs deal with severe symptoms and aim at eliminating pain, meditation and homeopathy fight with the causes of illnesses. These roots often include disobedienc, e to God and overall dissatisfaction with life (Porter, p. 113). Through a practice of self-improvement, individuals can fix the problems of the soul and, consequently, overcome serious diseases (Porter, p. 113). Another positive side of alternative medicine is that it contributes to the improvement of life by influencing the physical and psychological well-being of the person (Porter, p. 115). Moreover, the traditional approach is superior to modern medicine as it does not put individuals at risk of acquiring more health issues. While thousands of contemporary practices benefit the appearance of side-effects and addiction, alternatives focus on holistic care that takes into account all preferences and needs of the patient (Gonzalez-Crussi, p. 212). Thus, with the help of research, the argumentative essay proved that traditional medicine is more effective since it fights with the causes of diseases, improves the conditions of life, and is safer.

While taking into consideration all the positive influences of the traditional approach, it can be concluded that medical professionals should pay more attention to its practices. The main reason for considering alternatives is that they focus on the improvement of every aspect of human life and can even contribute to the prevention of illnesses in the future. In addition, alternative medicine directs its care towards the needs, preferences, and psychological features of an individual which is an effective means of attaining a desirable health state. Hence, it is recommended for the audience to learn more about the practices of alternative medicine and apply them to everyday life.

On the other hand, it is still crucial to conduct more research on the differences between the modern approach and traditional methods. Most of the information included in the argumentative paper focused on providing insights into the positive features of alternative medicine. At the same time, the essay lacked arguments concerning the topic of contemporary practice advantages. Present-day doctors treat their patients using the most recent developments of the modern healthcare system, and these methods are obviously justified. Consequently, to better understand what type of medicine specialists should focus on, it is essential to conduct more research on the power of contemporary practices.

Overall, alternative medicine proves to be essential for dealing with the causes of illnesses, improving the quality of life, and benefiting all aspects of well-being without generating any harm. For this reason, medical professionals need to start paying more attention to the practices of the traditional approach to create the best treatments. However, while taking advantage of all the features of alternative medicine, specialists should continue discovering the pros of modern practices.

Works Cited

  1. González-Crussi, Frank. A Short History of Medicine. Modern Library, 2008.
  2. Porter, Roy, editor. The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

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