American Nurses Association: Professional Membership

Being the chairperson of membership in American Nurses Association (ANA), it is necessary to design a paper to recruit new members.

Function of Organization

ANA is a non-commercial professional organization that aims at representing the interests of the entire nation and, in particular, those of registered nurses (RN) by the provision of skilled and well-educated nurses. The organization strives to meet the expectations of both nurses and patients in order to ensure appropriate collaboration between them (American Nurses Association (ANA), 2016). In terms of advocacy, ANA emphasizes the necessity of adequate health care reforms. In particular, the organization prioritizes expansion of the role of RNs, restructuring of health care system, and promotion of primarily health care delivery in communities.

The vision of ANA focuses on appropriate use of leadership and resources to improve health care delivery along with the nursing profession. At this point, its mission is to advance health for all regardless of any feature and based on legislation as well as policy advocacy. Thus, both mission and vision of the organization correspond to the requirements set by the modern world.

Potential Advantages of Membership

The membership in ANA offers a range of benefits that are listed below:

  • Professional development. The following advantages are offered to every nurse: meetings and conferences, online library, nursing webinars, American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) certification, ANA Leadership Institute, professional liability insurance, and special tools (ANA Enterprise, 2016).
  • Personal benefits. There are five essential programs that are designed to meet nurses’ needs: long-term care insurance, auto insurance provided by Nationwide, term life insurance, professional liability insurance, and financial planning.
  • State nurses association member advantages include participation in the state house on significant issues, continuous career development, career center, and regional networking facilities.
  • Advocacy. In terms of advocacy, ANA participates in Protecting Your Safety and Health program and represents interests of its members at both state and national levels.

Information for New Members

  • Contact information.
    • Address: 8515 Georgia Avenue Suite 400
    • Silver Spring, MD 20910-3492.
    • Membership Billing: 1-800-923-7709.
    • E-mail address: [email protected].
  • Membership requirements. The potential members must have a valid nursing license or graduation certificate and pay for the membership type they prefer. Fulfilling the application form, a person can contact the organization by using one of the ways that were mentioned above. Also, it is possible to join the online community to receive the most relevant information and access resources. The latter way seems to be the most convenient and easy as it requires just a couple of minutes.
  • Organizational endorsements. Other members and organizations consider ANA as one of the most significant associations that integrate all RNs. For example, Kevin Shimp, the member representing Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA, states that “that’s what ANA is here for—to really promote the nurse…and get us into the best position so we can provide the best care for our patients” (American Nurses Association (ANA), 2016).

Topic for Upcoming Meeting

The topic of the implementation of innovations in the nursing area in order to enhance health care delivery can be chosen for the upcoming meeting with the target audience of the potential members. This topic is likely to reveal core values of ANA and help the audience to understand the principles of the organization. At the same time, the discussion of the identified topic would promote engagement of attendees due to the relevance of the topic in connection with the requirements of the modern technology-driven world.


American Nurses Association (ANA). (2016). Web.

ANA Enterprise. (2016). Web.

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