US and Israel’s Growing Enmity with Terrorism Camps

Following the events of September 11, terrorism threat became a reality to the American people forcing measures to be put in place. An example is equipment to measure the threat level, which I feel is not a very useful invention. The instrument hurts the psychological well-being of the citizens by notifying them that the nation is under attack threat. As terrorism threat dawned on America and the rest of the world, a link was drawn between the connection of the bombings and the common hatred held on the receiving camps.

The United States and Israel are known to have a growing enmity with terrorism camps, which in turn has led to attacks on the nations or regions where they operate from. Another discovery that has been made concerns the way the different terrorist groups have formed networks owing to their shared hatred towards the target camps. These groups assist each other in carrying out the terror attacks, they use similar tactics, and they also train in the same grounds as well as share weaponry. Their activities are largely maintained by the funding they receive.

In recent years, terrorist groups have organized themselves like multi-national corporations while going further into holding common conferences to discuss their strategies. Their agendas and strategies remain highly secretive, and so is the source of their funding. Investigations after the 911 bombings, however, uncovered that the biggest known terrorist leader is Osama Bin Laden, who is the head of the Al-Qaeda network.

He is believed to have billions of money invested in legitimate businesses. Although the U.S government has stepped up efforts to fight terrorism, including suppressing these terrorist groups’ sources of funding, their activities remain very much alive as they swear to weaken the U.S army and the nation’s dominance. Many people are, however, opposed to some tactics that have been employed in fighting these groups. One such effort is the sending of a large number of troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 3). US and Israel’s Growing Enmity with Terrorism Camps.

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