An Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation

With the development of technologies, businesses begin to trust various computer programs with essential and vital processes. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a special type of software used by companies in managing everyday business activities, including supply chain operations, risk compliance and management, accounting, project management, and procurement (“What is ERP,” n.d.). Since installing an ERP system is likely to significantly affect the entire organization, an extended number of challenges arise and may stop the managers and employees from seeing the ERP benefits. However, these problems may be eliminated even if an ERP system’s implementation is going exceptionally badly.

To begin with, emerging issues are not a reason to stop using enterprise resource planning. On the contrary, it is necessary to try to determine what is causing the difficulties that are being encountered in the project and decide how to eliminate them. There are two ways of finding out the causes of the issues: rely on in-house talent or bring in an outside consultant. First, if the CIO of a large enterprise knows his or her team perfectly and is professionally versed in ERP systems, it makes sense if he or she takes the initiative in finding and eliminating the causes of the emerged problems. Moreover, if the CIO is sure the implementation of a new system leads to delays and resistance from the team, and it is the root of the challenges, the CIO may explain the importance of implementing an ERP.

Another way to determine the causes of the issues and eliminate them is to bring in an external specialist. According to researchers, “outside consultants can help tremendously with the organizational and business process changes that an ERP implementation will bring” (TEC Team, 2020, para. 5). Such specialists are more objective; hence, the overall assessment of the situation is likely to be more effective. Outside consultants usually know all possible challenges and their reasons and can advise on how to solve a specific problem for this organization. They are independent experts who the issues from the outside and know more effective ways of eliminating them. Thus, inviting an external expert is the best way to track down the causes that resulted in less-than-optimal outcomes.


TEC Team. (2020). ERP implementation challenges: 5 biggest risks & issues. Technology Evaluation Centers. Web.

What is ERP. (n.d.). Oracle. 2020, Web.

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