An Individual Program for Elderly Patients After Surgical Treatment


The interest in gerontological problems in surgery is justified by socio-economic and demographic problems. As the population ages, the number of people in need of surgical care increases. The majority of elderly patients are admitted to the hospital as an emergency and their early and late postoperative periods have a high rate of complications and mortality. Prevention of complications is connected not only with the correct carrying out of pre-operative preparation but also with the improvement of postoperative care and the volume of rehabilitation measures. The article of Tang et al suggests a model of medical and social rehabilitation of elderly patients after surgical treatment was developed.

Description of the Purpose

According to this model, rehabilitation begins before surgical treatment: in a polyclinic – in patients admitted for planned surgical treatment, in a hospital – in patients admitted as an emergency. The target population is the elderly survivors of surgical interventions (Tang et al., 2018). The target of the research is the development of an individual program for the outpatient and inpatient stage of medical and social rehabilitation of elderly patients after surgical treatment, 1-2 days before discharge (Tang et al., 2018). Determinants are examination data, geriatric examination, rehabilitation geriatric diagnosis, original computer program, and rehabilitation.

Description of the Intervention

Intervention is performed by doctors of the rehabilitation unit, which uses a special computer program to collect and track data, as well as diagnostic equipment, including tomography and ultrasound machines. The change is that tracking and monitoring of changes takes place prior to surgical intervention.

Strengths of the Intervention

Strengths are the high level of patient monitoring, and the wide range of indicators used. Weaknesses are the lack of theoretical justification for the proposed changes.


The recommendations are to work on the evidence base for the feasibility of this method and to develop a database that can demonstrate the details of the methods offered in the research.


Tang, B., Green, C., Yeoh, A. C., Husain, F., & Subramaniam, A. (2018). Post-operative outcomes in older patients: a single-centre observational study. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 88(5), 421–427. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 14). An Individual Program for Elderly Patients After Surgical Treatment.

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1. StudyCorgi. "An Individual Program for Elderly Patients After Surgical Treatment." December 14, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "An Individual Program for Elderly Patients After Surgical Treatment." December 14, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "An Individual Program for Elderly Patients After Surgical Treatment." December 14, 2023.

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