An International News Story: How China Builds Its Foreign Policy


The Lithuanian authorities agreed to open a representative office in Taiwan, considering that it does not contradict the principle of one China. However, what happened prompted an immediate reaction from Beijing leaders (Shirouzu and Sytas). The Chinese authorities believe that this action is contrary to the commitments made by Lithuania. China perceives the decision of Vilnius as a gesture of interference in the internal affairs of the country (Shirouz and Sytas). The authorities are convinced that Vilnius thus shows a disregard for the sovereignty of the Asian leader (Shirouz and Sytas). But Lithuania declares that it acts following its diplomatic interests. Like many other EU countries, this country intends to trade with Taiwan and establish friendly political relations.


In the event of a threat to the peaceful reunification of the mainland and Taiwan, the Chinese government must resort to force and other necessary means to preserve its territorial integrity. One such threat could be Taiwan’s attempt to declare independence. I think that the published news makes one again admit that China’s position on Taiwan remains the same. Overall, this decision by the country’s leadership is an example of diplomatic decision-making, consisting of an immediate response to actions that run counter to Chinese policy.

Discussion on Implementation

This news can be used as an example of how China builds its foreign policy. The Chinese government and people are determined and equipped to defend the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Therefore, the country is willing to worsen relations with those players who are not willing to accept the national position. Moreover, such news is proof that China, gaining wealth and power, heralds the beginning of a new era in international politics as well.

Work Cited

Shirouzu, Norihiko, and Andrius Sytas. “China Downgrades Diplomatic Ties with Lithuania over Taiwan.” Reuters. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "An International News Story: How China Builds Its Foreign Policy." March 10, 2023.

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