Analysis of Intelligence Tests Assessment

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) and The Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) are two standard methods to evaluate intelligence among children. The former assesses five primary areas – visual spatial, verbal comprehension, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and working memory (Eckerd, 2022). As a result, WISC-IV and WISC-V provide an accurate overview of the children’s general intelligence. However, its primary disadvantage is a relatively narrow evaluation, which excludes critical thinking and the practical application of skills (Eckerd, 2022). On the other hand, STAT conducts a deeper analysis of “analytical, practical, and creative intelligence” (Momani & Gharaibeh, 2017, p. 28). This scale supports the theory of triarchic intelligence and implies that a child might be proficient in only one or two areas of intelligence (Momani & Gharaibeh, 2017). In other words, STAT is an efficient test that might reveal insights into the children’s cognitive processes. However, STAT’s disadvantage lies in its relatively little application for evaluating general intelligence capabilities.

In the current case study, I believe that WISC-IV is an appropriate choice for Mrs. Anderson’s child. She is looking for a general intelligence assessment test that can effectively determine the child’s academic capabilities. WISC-IV, specifically, evaluates the fundamental areas of intelligence, including working memory and processing speed (Eckerd, 2022). These characteristics are essential to academic success, making WISC-IV an appropriate choice for the first parent.

Consequently, STAT is a preferable option for Mrs. Letterman, who wants to discover more reasonable learning strategies for her child. Mrs. Letterman’s son is a versatile learner who particularly excels in non-traditional ways of learning. In such cases, STAT is an efficient scale since it deliberately targets non-conventional areas of intelligence, such as critical and creative thinking (Momani & Gharaibeh, 2017). In other words, STAT might reveal beneficial insights into the child’s cognitive processes and his aptitude for creative approaches to learning. Ultimately, I would recommend WISC-IV as the primary test for Mrs. Anderson’s child and STAT for Mrs. Letterman’s son.


Eckerd, M. (2022). Understanding IQ test scores. Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities.

Momani, R., & Gharaibeh, S. (2017). Investigating the construct validity of Sternberg’s triarchic abilities test level-H (Arabic version). International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4(11), 28-34.

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