Small PC games are aimed to train, entertain and have a pastime, as they may assist in developing attention, logic memory and so on.
It is stated, that Computer games have been used for learning and training in lots of various spheres, such as academic, business, military, and medical. Investigators pointed out that games are generally taken as an option to traditional ways of teaching and learning, with the merits of assisting learning by playing. The games, selected for the analysis also offer training of brain activity, such as logic, memory and reaction.
Learners’ styles
To start the analysis it is necessary to state, that these games are suitable for students and schoolchildren, as they like challenges, especially if these challenges take place during the study process. According to Kolb’s studies, gaming entails all the four levels of the cognitive process
- Concrete Experience – (CE)
- Reflective Observation – (RO)
- Abstract Conceptualization – (AC)
- Active Experimentation – (AE)
According to Prensky’s list, the games can not be defined as dynamic, graphic plays more significant role than text information. All the other factors are either not significant, or ca not be defined (as, for instance reality vs. fantasy). The students will be expanding their logic and knowledge on geography. The challenging origin of not very dynamic games will provide the stimulus for better training and quicker decision taking. As most of the students spend much time at the computer and the Internet and these have become significant parts of their daily lives. It affects the way they write, communicate, do school work, socialize and so on. Moreover, it is impossible to teach for the whole day, so students will have an excellent opportunity to train at home.
Analysis of games
The games selected for the analysis do not require preliminary installation, as they are launched from the web browser. Any makes particular accent on graphics, as the key points of these games are either logic or memory. These games are Bloxorz.
Bloxorz is a skill based game that requires a lot of patience and spatial awareness. In Bloxorz player will have to move a stone block through various paths in order to slot the block into the hole at the end of each level.
As for the Prensky’s estimation the key point of the game is amusement, but there will be any without knowing the rules and having logical rationalization. This game is totally grounded on logic and directional perception, as it is absolutely impossible to win the game, without having a few further moves in imagination. The rules are simple – it is necessary to move the block taking into account the position of switches and the final hole. The graphic is poor and does not require particular pc features. Logic and imagination are the only things, required for this game.
Partly, this game may be analyzed from the point of view by David Kolb, as the learning styles are the combination of two lines of axis (continuums) each formed between what Kolb calls ‘dialectically related modes’ of ‘grasping experience’ (doing or watching), and ‘transforming experience’ (feeling or thinking):

Feeling (Imaging) where the block should be moved, thinking over the next step(s), watching (having the playing field in the imagination) and making necessary moves to win.
- Strength: there is a strong logic required to complete every level. There are some bonuses (additional bridges) and difficulties (the complexity increase).
- Weakness: the only weakness is the restricted amount of levels, as there is no much time required to complete all the levels offered. Then, the games loses its attractiveness for the player.
Map Puzzle
This game has simple and unsophisticated graphics, and requires good memory and knowledge of geography. There are several variants of quiz (The map of Europe was selected for testing): placing countries on their place on the map (with borders, or without), and pointing a country, when its capital is shown (with hints and without). The game is totally grounded on recollection speed, as total time is shown, after all the countries or capitals have been placed on its locations. This simple, on the first sight game is claimed to expand memory, and improve knowledge in geography. Probably, this game will not be interesting for kids, but it may be used as a part of testing, and it will be much more interesting and challenging for kids then the traditional written tests. Moreover, this game provides better orientation on the world map. It is also a type of such called “competitive learning” when people aim to win, and so, have to activate all the resources available to remember the countries and capitals.
This game may be useful for an office worker, who just wishes to get relaxed a bit, in order to make a short break for the brain, but there is no opportunity to leave the working place. The fact is that, casual games may be rather useful in this case, and short brakes spent for playing increases the productivity.
- Strength: The game offers the great opportunity to train memory and get to know the map of the world, or the location of most notable places of the world. There is no need to build up sophisticated logic models to complete the game. It is necessary just to recollect the location, and put a State or a capital on its place.
- Weakness: As in the majority of similar small games, the main weakness is the lack of the further opportunities of the game. It is not too difficult to remember all the necessary locations, and stop playing.
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