Analysis of Risks Associated with Advanced Maternal Age

Introduction: Clinical Problem

The PICOT question for this group is as follows: Should maternal age be considered a normal part of aging after age 35, or is it a cause of ill health related to women’s health? The required single assignment for this group is the clinical manifestation in the risk analysis for advanced maternal age, which refers to natural biological symptoms when the woman in labor is over 35 years old. Statistically, the postmenstrual period of the average woman is about 40% of her life due to increasing life expectancy (Takahashi et al., 2017). This article aims to evaluate the research strategies used in the two articles that address maternal age in the PICOT question.

Research Process

Work on the research began with a general study of the issue. The group needs to understand what the research will be about, to realize their strengths as a researcher in the chosen direction, and whether it will be useful in future activities. After that, my group divided responsibilities among the participants. For quality work, reliable and validated sources are needed. This study was conducted by analyzing secondary sources. Many scholarly journals, dissertations, books, and empirical studies were reviewed.

Among the successful aspects of the study, I can refer to the literature search, as this topic is relevant and of interest to many scientists and specialists. The obstacle is that many specialists have different opinions on the subject. It took much work for the group to form an answer to the question since the confirmations of both sides were convincing. However, the results of empirical studies leaned more toward the idea that late pregnancy is dangerous only when the expectant mother has health problems.

This topic has many aspects to consider. Further research could focus on exactly how expectant mothers can reduce the risks associated with late pregnancy. This question is very important because it can serve as a backdrop for practices to improve women’s health.

Results of the Study

The database needed for the study was purchased from the Chamberlain University Library, so the data can be considered reliable. According to research, maternal age can influence later health problems but is not always associated with them. A balanced diet, adequate rest, lack of stress, and proper medical supervision ensure that pregnancy and childbirth are free of complications and serious health problems.


A workable solution will be discovered as knowledge and technology continue to unearth new facts on this problem. The most prevalent physical ailment linked to maternal aging in women, osteoporosis, may one day find a treatment. Research comparing therapies and interventions is required to deliver the greatest care. The possibilities of modern medicine allow women of advanced age to bear and give birth to a healthy child even if serious complications develop, but only if they are detected in time.


Takahashi, M., Singh, R. S., & Stone, J. (2017). A theory for the origin of human menopause. Frontiers in Genetics, 7, 222. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, February 9). Analysis of Risks Associated with Advanced Maternal Age.

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StudyCorgi. "Analysis of Risks Associated with Advanced Maternal Age." February 9, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Analysis of Risks Associated with Advanced Maternal Age." February 9, 2024.

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