Analysis of the DIY Company Organizations

The DIY company had a threat from the gaining popularity of the online tips and instructions so people would not have to go to the shop. It could lead to the reduction of consumers, and therefore sales would fall. In that essay will be a discussion of measures that the company took, suggestions on the improvements and assessment of the new position of employees.

DIY responded promptly to the challenges that appeared due to online access to the information and guidelines. People seem to prefer the more accessible and quick way of getting help, and they are willing to take a chance and use that possibility. The best decision they made was to use the people they have already had instead of hiring a new specialist. Therefore, they increased the liability from employees by saving their workplaces and showing how valuable they are to the company by continuing working together under the new challenging circumstances. DIY perfectly considered customer’s needs and requirements in less time consuming and more quick delivery of the services. The company not only implemented the new ways of the work process but also contributed to the promotion of their products. When people search for instructions on how to make something at home, they eventually find the DIY’S website, and along with helpful tips, they can find materials and tools.

Although DIY successfully overcame the obstacles, the company should always be aware of the new trends in the market and be ready to change according to the situation. To stay competitive in that sphere, they could cooperate with bloggers and influencers in the DIY theme that have a good reputation and are well-known among the community of creators. The audience of bloggers has developed trust and liability throughout time for their favorite bloggers, and they can be a good aim for targeting. DIY might buy commercials from the influencers or provide them with PR boxes full of the necessary tools so bloggers would show it on their social media in use. Therefore, the potential customers interested in the topic but are not aware of the company’s existence can find what they need and get materials for creation by following their preferable blogger.

Likewise, the hybrid method of work is an incredible innovation for the company and particularly for the employees. They might appreciate the hybrid position for several reasons, and one of them is that it is good for the employee’s well-being. The monotonous work can eventually lead to boredom, loss of motivation and emotional burnout due to dissatisfaction with the job. According to Castellano et al. (2019), “processes can be relevant in preventing burnout, promoting work engagement on employees, creating more adaptive organizational behavior and are closely related to job satisfaction”. Therefore, by implementing the hybrid system into the work process, the company allowed its employees to diversify their routine and assessed their knowledge and experiences from a different perspective. Working with customers directly and remotely is convenient in case of emergencies or if the employee is sick or exhausted. They can still work but in a more comfortable position in the office.

In conclusion, DIY made a strategically correct decision and avoided the decline in sales and customers. Although the management still can make some improvements such as targeting new clients, cooperating with influencers and increasing the number of new customers. The innovations influenced the employees in the best way and allowed them to experience a new work atmosphere and apply their knowledge for new tasks.


Castellano, E., Muñoz Navarro, R., Toledo, M. S., Spontón, C., & Medrano, L. A. (2019). Cognitive processes of emotional regulation, burnout and work engagement. Psicothema, 2019, 31(1), 73-80.

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