Triacylglycerols: Definition and Extraction Experiment


The Triaclyglyceral compounds refer to the group of lipids found in plants and animals; that are easily metabolized to acetyl coenzyme as they are twisters of glycerol as the main constituent of compounds. In most cases, the basic structures of most prevalent triaclyglycerals are not complex; but are composed of long-chains saturated and non-saturated carboxylic acids which are easily metabolized into other forms of lipids (Dole, 1956).

Identification of Triaclyglycerals from the Appendices

As it has been observed in the experiment, various triaclyglycerals and other fragments were obtained in the process of extracting the compound from the linseeds. Perhaps, examples of f the triaclyglyceral compounds obtained in the appendix include the compounds with [M+H] + ions; whose ECN values were of a wide range like the OOO, OPO and OPL. More so, several fragments were also obtained like PO+, OL+ and PL+ fragment ions which were found together with the suspension of extracts. Generally, the particles named above were the main constituents of the extract of the linseeds; whereby the process of purification followed thereafter (Sukhija and Palmquist, 1988).

Tabulation of Data of Data in the Order of Elusion

The data obtained from the experiment of the extraction of linseed oil; which is a vegetable oil could be presented in various ways, where the enhancement of easy understanding of the data was facilitated. In this case therefore, the table below was used to tabulate the data obtained whereby various components linseed oil in various forms were presented (Mashek and Grummer, 2003).

Triacyglyceral compound Mass of [M+H]+ The fragment ions for the three triacyglycerals
[M+H- (RCO2H)+
[M+H- (RCO2H)+
OOO 885 OO-603 OO-603
OPO 859 OP-577 OO-603
OPL 857 OP-577, LP-575 OL-601

From the above table it can be observed that; the mass of triacyglyceral compound obtained was relative to the number of fragment ions, where the relationship was a positive correlation. More specifically, the amount of triacyglyceral compounds obtained in the experiment and the level of the number of ions present as fragments in each compound was observed to be positively related (Carneheim, Olivecrona & Hultin, 1995).

Further, from the results obtained it can be inferred that; the fragmentation of triacyglyceral compounds conform with the expected modes of fragmentation. As the results depicted, it was easier to lose a central ester group in which a secondary carbenium ion would be given out. On the other hand it would be a bit difficult to lose one of the two terminal ester groups as the molecular bond in it would be stronger for easy breaking than as it was in the one central ester group. Based on the experiment, triacyglyceral compound would require more energy to break the molecular bond in order to yield a primary carbenium ion and thus it was difficult for it lose one of the two terminal esters (Ferezou and Bach, 1999).

The Reverse-phase Chromatography Column

In the reverse-phase chromatography, the column is lipid-like which contains C18 chains that are attached to Si-OH groups on the surface of silica gel. In this process, aqueous organic solvents are used to elute samples and retained solutes are eluted by increasing the organic component of the whole solvent system. Meanwhile, this process has been observed to work very well with triacyglycerals that contain saturated acyl groups because they elute longer retention than those with instauration in the side chains due to difference in the constitution of the carboxyl groups (Dole, 1956).


As it has been observed in the results obtained, the sequence of the triacyglycerals match the published data for linseed as a source to extract triacyglyceral compounds; through the use of reverse phase chromatography because many triacyglyceral compounds contain saturated acyl group.

Reference list

Dole, P, A Relationship between Non-Esterified Fatty Acids and Glucose in Linseeds, J Clin Invest Publishers, New York, 1956.

Ferezou, J, and Bach, C, Structure and Metabolic Fate of Triacylglycerol- And Phosphoplipid-Rich Particles of Commercial Parenteral Fat Emulsions,

Washington University Press, Washington, 1999.

Hultin, M, Carneheim, C and Olivecrona, T, Intravenous Lipid Emulsions: Removal Mechanisms As Compared To Chylomicrons, J Lipid Res Publishers, London, 1995.

Mashek, D and Grummer, R, Effects of Different Long Chain Fatty Acids on Lipid Metabolism and Gluconeogenesis in Monolayer Cultures of Bovine

Hepatocytes, J Dairy Sci. Press, New Jersey, 2003.

Sukhija, P and Palmquist, D, Rapid Method for Determination of Total Fatty Acid Content and Composition of Feedstuffs and Feces, American University Press, Cairo, 1988.

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