ANOVA in Manufacturing: Boosting Production Quality

Carrying out tests in the manufacturing setting is an essential step towards improving the production values in an organization and delivering the products and services of the finest quality. Although the ANOVA testing tool is not traditionally viewed as a part and parcel of the manufacturing setting, it is still bound to help improve the quality of the products and services provided by an organization, as it helps detail the variation rates between the elements of a set of products.

For instance, the analysis of the variance of the instances, in which the products created in the course of the manufacturing fail to meet the criteria set by the company’s guidelines, can be conducted with the help of the ANOVA tool. When it comes to defining a proper example of the use of ANOVA, the analysis of variance of the failure of the goods to meet the established criteria can be considered a good option (Sopher, 2000).

It is remarkable that the adoption of ANOVA for the identification of the variance in the number of failures occurring during the production process may also help avoid the instances thereof in the future,; consequently, it can be assumed that ANOVA both provides the foundation for a detailed analysis of the problems in the manufacturing process and the design of a strategy to prevent similar issues in the future (Zaremba, 2014).

For instance, the ANOVA testing could be applied to the situation, in which the number of failures during the manufacturing process exceeds the allowed one and the production rates decline consistently. The analysis of variation between the number of failures acquired at different stages of the production process will help locate the point, which can be deemed as the one that causes the failures to occur.

The specified stage may have a problem concerning either the amount of raw materials used, or the amount thereof, or the sequence of actions, or the testing process, etc. While the factors, which may possibly lead to the development of the problem in question are very numerous, the ANOVA tools will help identify the exact point, at which the problems emerge, and, therefore, one may possibly identify the solution that will help remove the obstacle in question and finally solve the problem.

It should be borne in mind, though, that the adoption of ANOVA can only serve as the means of testing a hypothesis, the specific hindrance in the production process causing the latter to fail being the case in point. In order to draw a plan that will offer a solution and help reduce the number of failures occurring during the production process, one will have to consider other tools, such as the frequency distribution tool. ANOVA, in its turn, will create a very solid and strong foundation for detecting the problem, such as the malfunctioning of one of the items of equipment, the lack of accuracy in the staff’s performance, etc.

The adoption of ANOVA is one of the means to locate a hindrance in the manufacturing process and remove it to improve the performance of a company. Although the tool in question can hardly be used as a planning device, it detects the existing problems and can be used as the means of removing them in a rather fast and efficient manner.

Reference List

Sopher, G. (2000). Process validation in manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals: Guidelines, current practices, and industrial case studies. New York City, New York: CRC Press. Web.

Zaremba, M. B. (2014). Information control problems in manufacturing technology. Toronto: Elsevier. Web.

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