Apple Inc.’s Employee Motivation and Organizational Change


Apple is considered one of the most successful organizations in the world, and this was achieved by developing strategies based on increasing employee motivation. Starting from a past where employees worked to earn a living, motivation was not a question. The main aspect of the company’s development strategies is its ability to motivate and retain its employees even in conditions of direct competition. Tech giant Apple Inc. motivates its employees using theories and training measures, making employees part of the organization.

Transformative Motivation in Organizational Change

When the former CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs was elected, and he decided to apply the best method of stimulating sales and the company’s prosperity, which was the motivation of employees. He believed the best way to motivate employees is to make them part of the organization. The main measures of motivation included training, career consulting, practicum, seminars, job rotation, and professional development programs (Amin & Munsi, 2020). Such programs made employees highly efficient and qualified, and as a result – the cost of products on the market was currently the highest. However, if the employee stays at Apple or leaves the company, their training at Apple will provide them with a better career (Amin & Munsi, 2020). Company managers are convinced that they pay their employees well. Hence, financial incentives are provided less often.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Various motivational theories like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Hygiene Model, McGregor’s Theory X, and Theory Y Model, among others, have been useful in helping an organization retain the best employees while keeping them happy. For example, considering Maslow’s five levels of needs theory, one can see how it was applied in the workplace at Apple Inc (Mcleod, 2023). Concerning new employees of Apple Inc., the company is the highest paid even for newcomers. This approach covers the lowest level of Maslow’s theory because these workers are given an excellent job opportunity that can help them fulfill their physiological needs. The jobs are guaranteed continuity and various benefits, including health and retirement benefits, which also create a sense of security for employees.

Herzberg’s Hygiene Model

Considering Herzberg’s Hygiene model, the company has invested in ensuring that these hygiene factors are present in adequate proportions necessary to motivate and achieve employee satisfaction (Kurt, 2021a). Employees are taught to work harmoniously to minimize harmful politics threatening their cooperation.

McGregor’s Theory X and Y

Given McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Models, top management and lower-level managers at Apple Inc. widely use the Theory Y strategy (Kurt, 2021b). It ensures that every employee is part of the organization’s success. Every Apple employee is always given the tools they need to be successful.


Apple Inc. has continued to be a major technology player in the industry since its market debut. The primary strategy influencing the company’s success is its ability to treat its employees better than others. All the theories mentioned were applied together and interchangeably, ensuring they provided the best employee satisfaction. The company’s management is convinced that a motivated employee is the key to a successful organization.


Amin, M., & Munsi, M. (2020). Motivational techniques for business organization – A case study of Apple Inc. Web.

Kurt, S. (2021a). Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory: Two-factor. Education Library. Web.

Kurt, S. (2021b). Theory X and theory Y, Douglas McGregor. Education Library. Web.

Mcleod, S. (2023). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Simply Psychology. Web.

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