Applied Psychology: Social Alliances for Fundraising

There are a number of evidence-based methods used by Industrial-Organizational Psychologists during employee evaluations. For instance, there is a popular approach called 360-degree feedback. This aptly called approach takes into consideration the comments, judgments, and evaluations of an employee’s performance from their network of coworkers (Cascio & Aquinis, 2019). It may involve coworkers, managers, and other people. One can identify both good and bad patterns and similarities when one assesses the information from various sources. Additionally, Industrial-Organizational Psychologists may pinpoint any areas that could require more evaluation and assistance.

There is a self-evaluation method that is founded on consistent cooperation between Industrial-Organizational Psychologists and employees. It may be highly useful to ask a worker to assess their own performance. Employees are frequently more likely to criticize their own productivity than psychologists are (Cascio & Aquinis, 2019). The latter utilizes a form that asks for essay-style replies, multiple responses, or their combination. Finding parallels and differences between self-evaluation and one’s own objective assessment might help one gain a deeper knowledge of an employee’s performance. It may spark discussions that are good for the growth of employees.

The next approach is called graphic rating scales, which have gained popularity nowadays as well. In a standard visual scale, the relative effectiveness of an individual in particular categories is rated using numeric values, such as 1 to 10 (Cascio & Aquinis, 2019). Behavioral components like “understands work assignments” or “takes part in decision-making” are frequently rated using scales. Alternatively, they might record how regularly a particular action or behavior is carried out by a worker, such as whether they “always,” “frequently,” “sometimes,” or “never” arrive at work on time. Scales may be modified to meet your company’s needs.

These are only a few of the methods that Industrial-Organizational Psychologists tend to use. In my personal experience, I have faced the method of self-evaluation. It allowed me to reflect upon my daily activities as a teammate and identify some issues – such as too much control over my team. Generally, the discussed methods provide employees with the opportunity to see themselves as a part of a company’s coherently operating mechanism. By reflecting and answering particular questions, they can realize what is expected from them and how to advance their performance.


Cascio, W. F. & Aquinis, H. (2019). Applied psychology in talent management (8th ed.). Sage.

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