Applying Sociological Theories to Real-Life Cases

The model of the modern world and current global trends assume the imperfection of the social structure. It can be due to many factors, from economic and ethical to legal causes. With the help of sociological theories given in the training material, it is possible to identify the root of the conflict and develop a strategy for working on the situation. It also allows people to observe the problem from complex angles and understand the motive of everyone who has a direct or incidental influence on consequences.

On the “Humans of New York” Instagram page, there are many stories where people fully describe their life path and all the obstacles they have experienced to a peaceful living. One of these stories was told by a single mother who strived to finance her child. The birth of a baby coincided with the end of their university, so she could not find a decent job and had to live on state benefits. She states that mothers can do an incredible job of transforming society for the best by raising wholesome and responsible children, but they sincerely need government help.

Current payments are not enough for a peaceful upbringing of a child, and the modern system is not structured well for single parents. Another story of a divorced woman reveals her tense relationship with her ex-husband and desperate attempts to defend her child custody rights. She is constantly being told that her child would have a better life with the father due to his financial stability and higher standard of living.

In both cases, we see a strong resistance between structural functionalism and social conflict. Women have certain roles and functions within the family and society, but they cannot fulfill them due to an imperfect social structure that neglects their basic needs. The theory of functionalism prescribes women such fundamental responsibilities as raising a child, supporting a family, working, and paying taxes. However, the current state system turns out to be so defective that women cannot cope with it without the necessary financial and moral support.


Hobbes, T. (1934). Leviathan: Introduction by A. D. Lindsay, J. M. Dent. London.

Leon-Guerrero, A. (2014). Social problems: Community, policy, and social action (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Lowney, K. (2001). Puzzling over theoretical perspectives. In K. McKinney, F.D. Beck, and B.S. Heyl (Eds.), Sociology Through Active Learning: Student Exercises (first edition, pp. 3-5). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

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