Arguments Against Masks During Pandemic and Personal Freedom

In recent decades, modern society has faced several problems and tasks that require analysis and solutions. One of the most famous and essential in changing the culture of human behavior is the recent pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. Despite all the destructive effects and consequences of the pandemic, many people still consider protection and prevention measure ineffective and useless (Lee, 2020). At first glance, this attitude is ambiguous because those who resist precautions, such as wearing face masks, have several arguments. Despite the bias of many people towards such public opinion, it is worth considering it from the outside. By convention, the theses of refusers can be summarized by several of the most frequently cited arguments in favor of rejecting masks.

The first and most common argument among the non-conspiracy wing of refusers is the violation of personal freedoms. According to this kind of people, wearing, for example, masks are a direct violation of their freedom of choice and action. However, it should be understood that these people are not only at significant risk of becoming infected themselves by refusing to take such precautions. There is a significant risk of spreading the virus to other people and people close to the refuser. Looking at the case described above, it can be concluded that the arguments of mask refusers are invalid. However, their actions lead to a violation of the top human right – the right to life. Without regulation, fines, and other punishments against refusers, the situation with hundreds of thousands of dead sick people will only get worse. Summing up, it will be said that in crisis episodes, the restriction of freedoms can save many lives.


Lee, B. Y. (2020). Top 10 excuses offered for not wearing masks despite Covid-19 coronavirus. Forbes. Web.

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