Artificial Intelligence: Potential Problems and Threats

Much of the controversy surrounding the problem of creating artificial intelligence has an emotional background. The recognition of the possibility of artificial intelligence seems to be something degrading to human dignity. However, one should not confuse the issues of the capabilities of artificial intelligence with the case of the development and improvement of the human mind. The widespread use of AI creates the preconditions for the transition to a qualitatively new stage of progress, gives impetus to a new round of automation of production, and hence an increase in labor productivity. Artificial intelligence can be used for unsuitable purposes, but this is not a scientific problem but rather a moral and ethical one.

However, the development of cybernetics raises several problems that still require close attention. These problems are associated with the dangers arising in the course of work on artificial intelligence. The first problem is related to the possible loss of incentives for creative work due to mass computerization or the use of machines in the arts. However, it has recently become clear that a person will not voluntarily give up the most qualified creative work since it is attractive to the person himself.

The second problem is more serious, and it consists in the fact that there are already machines and programs capable of self-learning in the process of work, that is, increasing the efficiency of adaptation to external factors. In the future, it is possible that machines will appear with such a level of adaptability and reliability that the need for a person to intervene in the process will disappear (Jackson, 2019). In this case, it is possible for the person to lose his qualities responsible for finding solutions. There is a potential degradation of a person’s ability to respond to changes in external conditions and, possibly, the inability to take control over himself in the event of an emergency.


Jackson, P. C. (2019). Introduction to artificial intelligence. Dover Publications.

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