Artificial Intelligence Versus Human Intelligence

Since the discovery of electricity in the 1890s, current advances in Artificial Intelligence have set the stage for the greatest cultural boom in human history. In this regard, artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced significantly from the realm of science fiction to the actual world. Moreover, since AI has become a mainstream technology in the modern economy, a new argument has emerged: Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence. While AI seeks to build and create intelligent computers that can do human-like jobs, one cannot help but question if AI is adequate in and of itself.

Generally, when comparing AI and human Intelligence in task completion rate. It is obvious that AI is much faster as compared to humans; for example, in shoe designing images, AI can integrate thousands of images to unveil one unique final product. AI can create multiple shoe designs in a span of seconds. However, it could take hours of work for human intelligence to accomplish such operations (Will Artificial Intelligence End Human Creativity). Hence, it would be a job not worth pursuing due to its tediousness. Therefore, in terms of speed in work completion, AI has overpowered human intelligence.

Moreover, in terms of enhancing human creativity and critical thinking, AI has been crucial. For instance, modern advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) employing deep learning methodologies have produced fruitful outcomes in a wide range of applications (Esling and Devis). Thus, the aura of a cleverly-named technological artifact has sparked passionate and, at times, unruly discussions regarding its implications for artistic endeavors. Using an algorithm as an example, the Alphago metrics have been critical in demystifying Code Game 37 understanding since it has rebutted human intelligence attempts for nearly 30 000 years of human existence (Will Artificial Intelligence End Human Creativity). Therefore, AI has improved human understanding of complex activities.

Nevertheless, despite AI’s momentum in enhancing seamless operations of human activity, it has not been devoid of deficiencies where human intelligence thrives. For example, the AI context of understanding is limited as compared to that of humans. Its metrics thrive on training dependent on the training it undergoes in regard to specific mechanics. Specifically, AI can design a shoe, but it still will not recognize its function as a foot protector. This is opposed to human intelligence, which thrives by having knowledge of such simple notions.

Due to AI’s robust framework in avoiding substantial limitations, it has begun to replace humans in a variety of fields rendering them jobless. Thence, it can be deduced that people are becoming unemployed due to AI’s automation of their jobs. Regardless, AI has become a cornerstone of humanity; therefore, it is prudent for people to be unique in their expertise in a bid to outsmart AI. In this way, humanity will not perceive AI as an enemy; rather, it will indeed improve their lives. Hence, it is a collective human responsibility to collaborate in rendering their work unlimited in order to compete against AIs influx, since without competition, it will make human life boring and monotonous.


It is abundantly clear that AI is capable of outsmarting human intellect; hence, humans need to collaborate in order to remain competitive. Therefore, in spite of the fact that AI might result in an increase in unemployment, it would be impossible for humans to live a more sustainable existence without it; therefore, the benefits of AI far exceed its drawbacks. As such, it is in the best interest of humankind to enforce the AI bioethics of compassion, sustaining value, clarity, and accountability.

Works Cited

Will Artificial Intelligence End Human Creativity? YouTube, uploaded by Design Theory, Web.

Esling, Philippe, and Ninon Devis. “Creativity in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.”, Web.

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