As Work Changed in 2021, Employee Pay and Benefits Stepped Up by Miller

The article discusses how the workplace has changed due to the pandemic and how employers have responded by offering more flexible pay and benefits. Employers have had to adjust to the new normal by offering more flexible work arrangements, such as remote work, and providing more generous benefits, such as paid leave, health care, and retirement plans (Miller, 2022). The article also explains that the shift from traditional employment to more flexible and remote work has increased the need for employers to provide competitive pay and benefits packages to attract and retain talent. Additionally, the article discusses how employers respond to the changing nature of work by offering more flexible benefits packages, such as paid time off, telecommuting, and health and wellness programs (Miller, 2022). Additionally, employers have had to focus on employee engagement and well-being and provide financial assistance and other resources to help employees cope with the economic impact of the pandemic. Finally, employers have had to consider how to use technology best to support their employees and ensure their safety. Overall, employers have had to make significant changes to their pay and benefits to keep up with the changing workplace.

This article is highly relevant to my Human Resource Management class, as we discuss the importance of compensation and benefits in attracting and retaining talent. The report provides a great example of how employers respond to the changing nature of work by offering more competitive pay and benefits packages. Additionally, the article provides insight into the importance of offering flexible benefits packages, such as paid time off, telecommuting, and health and wellness programs, to attract and retain talent (Miller, 2022). This article is an excellent resource for understanding the importance of compensation and benefits in the modern workplace.


Miller, S. (2022). As work changed in 2021, employee pay and benefits stepped up. SHRM. Web.

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