Aspects of Bob Knight’s Coaching Style


Bob Knight was one of the most prominent coaches in basketball. He worked with teams from 1965, until his first layoff in 2000, and from 2001 to 2009 (Snook et al., 2005). His teaching style was widely criticized, but Knight also had outstanding followership. Bob Knight implemented his unique teaching method based on the rigid motivation technique of grabs, pushes, and obscene criticism. In 2000, the coach was convicted of anger control problems and terminated. However, most of Bob Knight’s contemporaries understood that behind the apparent rudeness lies a selfless aspiration to get better results from the players. This paper will discuss Bob Knight’s coaching style by presenting the main ideas and the lessons learned from the case study.

Main Ideas

Bob Knight violated every conceivable code of ethical communication with players, and his relationship with team members could have looked monstrous. However, most of Knight’s students valued his advice and lessons, recognizing his coaching input. Knight has always said that the result is important to him, and if he, as a coach, is satisfied with mistakes, his players will have equally modest claims. He could touch the players and call them names, but his students noted that it was critical to pay attention to explanations of the mistakes. Knight could easily bench the brightest team members if they did not show a high level. As a result, Knight earned a reputation as one of the most controversial coaches in American basketball history.

He saw his methods of motivation as the only way to get the players to maintain the necessary discipline. He didn’t care if people liked him, but he wanted to be respected by others. Knight could demonstrate unusual, out-of-bounds ways of expressing himself – for example, once after training, he threw a plastic chair in the middle of the field, because was very disappointed with the committee’s statement (Snook et al., 2005). On another occasion, Knight ripped out a microphone from a cheerleader and even once kicked his son.

Lessons Learned

The lessons learned from this case study include the understanding that harsh criticism and insults may not be what they seem in exceptional cases. For example, Bob Knight used harsh words and body language to convey the importance of players’ input as team members and achieve better results(Snook et al., 2005). In general, Knight’s approach paid off, as his trainees achieved maximum results and eventually were grateful to him.

Unfortunately, the case study invites readers to learn a lesson that even the best intentions, implemented by means that are not obvious to the majority, may not be recognized. A significant number of Knight’s fans and supporters were surprised and saddened by his suspension in 2000. However, new victories followed the defeat, and Bob Knight never changed his teaching style. Therefore, another lesson is that perseverance and loyalty to principles, and the ability to take risks wisely, will inevitably lead to victories and success.


Thus, Bob Knight’s unique coaching style was discussed and the lessons learned from the case study were presented. A non-trivial approach to discipline allowed the coach to achieve high results due to the high motivation of the players. Bob Knight allowed extremely harsh criticism and emotional insults to hurt the players’ egos. However, he was also a competent coach who clearly understood the disadvantages and advantages, and developed effective tactics and strategies, assigning a special role to each player.


Snook, S. A., Perlow, L. A., & DeLacey, B. J. (2005). Coach Knight: the will to win. Harvard Business School Pub.

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