Aspects of Cloud Computing in Business

Cloud computing (CC) is a powerful tool for online businesses of the contemporary era. The term does not have a specified definition; hence, multiple notions of the term exist. Paul et al. considered that CC is a computing style that allows the provision of “massively scalable information technology-related capabilities… as a service across the internet to multiple external customers” (Almarabeh & Majdalawi, 2019, p. 28). In the industry of e-commerce that is being overflowed with an enormous amount of data, CC allows the outsourcing of data-keeping. Data keeping by large companies is often done via data centers filled with numerous serves. The establishment of data centers for small and medium-scale businesses is not a feasible investment due to the size of the associated costs. The “pay-as-service” nature of CC allows for keeping operating costs at a minimum level for the company while not compromising on quality (Almarabeh & Majdalawi, 2019). Moreover, CC as a service is calamity lenient as it prevents possible costs of information misfortune. The information is stored in an easily accessible but secure way. Security is an essential aspect of any modern online business, as damages associated with premature data leaks account for billion-dollar losses for such companies as Facebook.

Another feature of CC is the fast speed which is essential for web-based businesses. The study by Akamai demonstrates that people abandon the website if it is not loaded in 3 seconds (Stringam & Gerdes, 2019). Therefore, website booting speed is essential for customer retention. The e-commerce businesses that pursue the traditional approach of creating data centers will have to spend numerous resources to ensure the proper functioning of the website. Moreover, CC nullifies the financial burden of the device upgrade. All of these struggles could be avoided by CC, and resources could be allocated more efficiently to maximize the benefit for the company (Almarabeh & Majdalawi, 2019). In a way, CC is the logical continuation of the internet business model, which allows focusing on what is truly important — business.


Almarabeh, T., & Majdalawi, Y. K. (2019). Cloud Computing of E-commerce. Modern Applied Science, 13(1), 27-35. Web.

Stringam, B., & Gerdes, J. (2019). Service gap in hotel website load performance. International Hospitality Review. Web.

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