Aspects of Health Care System in the USA


The first milestone is to achieve social equilibrium in society. Along with other government goals, it serves as a stabilizer of society by equalizing opportunities for access to health care. Another milestone in developing the healthcare system is the achievement of equality of access to healthcare services (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2022). Discrimination leads to higher morbidity and mortality rates, and the juncture is essential for stabilizing rates and improving the well-being of residents. The third milestone is to ensure a value-based approach to treatment. It will encourage an individual approach to treatment and adherence to the principle of understanding the patient as the most outstanding value, which makes it priceless.


There are three types of prevention, each with a distinct goal. Primary prevention controls the development of the disease. Types of primary prevention are vaccination, counseling to change high-risk behaviors, and sometimes chemoprophylaxis (Maciewicz, 2022). Secondary prevention detects the condition and begins early treatment, often before symptoms appear, and severe consequences are minimized. Tertiary prevention controls an existing chronic disease to prevent complications or additional harm (Maciewicz, 2022). It may consist of supportive and rehabilitative measures to avoid deterioration and maximize the quality of life, for example, rehabilitation after injury, myocardial infarction, or stroke.

Good health is a state of physical and mental well-being. Mental and physical health are interconnected, and only as a whole are they the foundation of sound well-being (Maciewicz, 2021). The goals of the Healthy People 2030 program are aimed at improving the well-being of individuals throughout the world. The first important topic is the elimination or complete elimination of vaccine-preventable diseases. At the core of this focus will be eradicating vaccine supply and distribution disruptions, including disorders due to insufficient demand for vaccines and public acceptance.

This initiative is crucial because it should improve and equalize rates reflecting vaccination coverage among different segments of the population. Equitably increasing access to and uptake of vaccines would significantly reduce morbidity and mortality from vaccine-associated infections and help prevent epidemics and pandemics. The second equally important theme of the program concerns the problem of overweight people in the United States (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2022). The main goal is to reduce obesity and promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity. It is necessary to accomplish this in the United States as the number of overweight people is increasing each year rapidly.

The iron triangle in health care refers to the concept that the three categories are equally important to promote health. At the same time, the premise is that improvement in one area leads to a decrease in at least one of the others. The iron triangle comprises three spokes: access to care, quality of care, and cost containment (Maciewicz, 2022). The first pillar underplays the need for equity and is essential to ensure that all residents can access health care. At the same time, quality is the key to treatment success, and the second pillar of the triangle is essential to ensure the correct treatment method and special treatment for everyone. Another critical issue is the cost of treatment per person. Reducing it while maintaining quality is vital for economic stability.


The life expectancy of people of color is much lower than that of white people because of racial discrimination. The fact that discrimination hurts health has been well documented. The talk has linked racism to elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol (Williams, 2016). It highlights the vast gap in health status, lack of medication, and frequent lack of access to necessary healthcare services among the black population. The discrimination one faces affects one’s health and action must be taken to address inequalities.


Maciewicz, S. (2022). Intro to the Health Care System [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Maciewicz, S. (2021). What is health ALH [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2022). Healthy people 2030. HHS. Web.

Williams, D. (2016). How racism makes us sick [Video]. TED. Web.

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