Aspects of the Rise of the Ottoman Empire


The Ottoman Empire is a vivid example of the development, growth, stagnation, and collapse of a powerful state. It is a transcontinental state created in 1299 under the rule of Uch Bey Osman Gazi by the Ottoman Turks. The territorial location initially covered the territories of the northwest of Asia Minor. In 1453, after the fall of Byzantium, the Ottoman state became a sultanate and turned into an empire. Moreover, after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the empire finally gained a foothold in Europe, and the rule of the Ottoman state lasted 623 years. After the defeat in the First World War, in 1922, the Treaty of Lausanne was signed, and the Republic of Turkey was established.


The selected research topic is the growth of the Ottoman Empire and the factors influencing the development of the economy, industry, and military spectrum. This topic formulates the contextuality of the study since it exists within a certain time frame, namely 1453-1683. The history of the Ottoman Empire covers a significant period in which many important events took place. Based on this, the chosen topic will be part of a larger study, namely the emergence, development, stagnation, and decay. In addition, the topic of the growth of the Ottoman Empire is part of the discussion about the reasons for such a long development.

The purpose of the work will be to reveal the chosen topic and to achieve this goal, it is necessary to fulfill some aspects. The first point is to set research questions, and the background task of the study is to find answers to the questions posed. Regarding the topic of the growth of the Ottoman Empire, one can identify the following important questions. First, what spectrum of state activity influenced the development and growth of the Ottoman Empire? This question formulates finding evidence about what type of industry or activity of the country has become a key one in its development. In other words, it is necessary to indicate what exactly caused the growth of the Ottoman Empire, namely, production, army, trade, economy, education, or some other aspects.

In addition, one needs to find out how the Ottoman Empire was able to expand geographically significantly. To do this, it is essential to search for information about how one managed to create a strong and developed army, with the help of which new territories were captured. Finally, one should analyze the country’s internal aspects that could impact its development. For this, it is necessary to investigate did the type of government in the Ottoman Empire in the period 1453-1683 influence the development of the state. Thus, finding answers to the above questions will help to reveal the chosen topic in detail.

To consider the chosen topic and to fulfill the task, namely, finding answers to the established questions, it is necessary to use a relevant theoretical base. In this case, it will be formulated by peer-reviewed sources containing the essential information and evidence to answer the questions posed and disclose the topic. Thus, the first selected source contains general data on the origin, development, stagnation, and fall of the Ottoman Empire (History Titans 2021). With the help of this information, one will be able to reveal the issue in terms of the contextuality of the topic. Namely, to consider the development of the empire in the context of the general history of the state. In addition, the work outlines the historical influence of the empire on North Africa, Southeast Europe, and the Middle East.


The following study tells about the most significant rulers of the Ottoman Empire. It includes information about the influence of the governors, the style of management, and the significant political decisions and events (Yildiz 2020). Further, while studying the development of any state, certainly, it is necessary to be aware of the basic information about the beginning of the history of the empire. Thus, the third work analyzes the setting and influence of the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, which is vital in terms of overall development (Cagaptay 2020). The following work contains information about the growth and development of the Ottoman Empire in the context of other Eurasian states, which helps to conduct a comparative analysis (Anooshahr 2018). Finally, the last study tells about the growth of the Ottoman Empire and its impact on the modern state (Price 2021). All sources are not older than five years, which formulates their relevance.


Anooshahr, Ali. 2018. Turkestan and the Rise of Eurasian Empires: A Study of Politics and Invented Traditions. Oxford University Press.

Cagaptay, Suna. 2020. The First Capital of the Ottoman Empire: The Religious, Architectural, and Social History of Bursa. Bloomsbury Publishing.

History Titans. 2021. The Ottoman Empire: The History of the Turkish Empire that Lasted Over 600 Years. Creek Ridge Publishing.

Price, Philips. 2021. A History of Turkey: From Empire to Republic. Routledge.

Yildiz, Busra. 2020. The Sultans of the Ottoman Empire. Rumuz Yayınlar.

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