Assessing Diversity in the Workplace

Globalization processes determine the need to assess diversity in the workplace. Ferdman and Sajiv’s (2012) research indicates that science continues to seek additional opportunities to use variety in human potential management processes. In heterogeneous teams, creativity and productivity increase as decisions are made based on people’s opinions from different backgrounds (Ferdman and Sajiv, 2012). From this, it is concluded that culture is a variable that can affect staff performance. The authors’ research made it possible to correlate diversity in organizations and cross-cultural psychology in terms of their similarities and differences.

With diversity, the risk of stereotypical decisions is reduced, and the competitive advantages of the organization increase. Creative solutions are born in the process of intercultural dialogue when people exchange their different experiences (Ferdman & Sajiv, 2012). However, this study provokes a discussion about what methods of managing diversity can lead to non-discrimination and overcoming conflicts. At the same time, the authors note that cultural heterogeneity in the workforce is often the cause of cross-cultural conflicts that reduce companies’ efficiency (Ferdman & Sajiv, 2012). Hence, if a business wants to succeed, it must not abandon inclusiveness; however, it is necessary to take timely measures to prevent conflicts in the workplace – these are the brief results of the analyzed article.

The existence of gender inequality is currently one of the most critical problems in labor human rights. Miner and Cortina (2016) found that women felt more injustice towards them at work (51% of survey participants are women). Moreover, such injustice affects how highly they rate their own professional success. Miner and Cortina (2016) write that regularly encountering unfair treatment from bosses or colleagues can create feelings of helplessness and a sense of mistrust, which impairs work performance. The study confirmed that observed incivility towards women was positively associated with perceptions of interpersonal injustice. Further discussion is likely to focus on how employees’ perceptions of fairness affect their professional well-being.


Ferdman, B., & Sagiv, L. (2012). Diversity in organizations and cross-cultural work psychology: What if they were more connected? Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5(3), 323-345. Web.

Miner, K. N., & Cortina, L. M. (2016). Observed workplace incivility toward women, perceptions of interpersonal injustice, and observer occupational well-being: Differential effects for gender of the observer. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1-12. Web.

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