Assessing the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies

Accenture is an internationally established organization that serves various consumers. As a result, it adopts unique marketing strategies to ensure that its consumers find value and benefit from its marketing strategies. However, given the complexity of its business, the organization must continuously evaluate its marketing strategies to ensure that they align with its goals. Thus, the two strategies that Accenture will adopt to evaluate its marketing performance are checking for changes in sales and evaluating the strategies used by its competitors.

Marketing aims at grabbing the attention of potential consumers and soliciting them to make purchases. Thus, a reliable solution to evaluate the impact of particular initiatives is examining changes in sales and demand. Effective marketing produces positive results in sales as more people will inquire about the products and show their appeal. Hence, negative results indicate ineffective marketing approaches (Ferrell et al., 2021). In addition, Accenture can examine its return on investment in resources used for promotion initiatives. A positive return on investments indicates effective and reliable techniques. Otherwise, the organization can alter its practices to achieve better results and meet the company’s requirements.

Advertising is a critical component of organizations as it facilitates a continuous supply of customers and business sustainability. However, some marketing strategies do not yield the desired results, requiring the assessment of the adopted techniques to ensure effectiveness. Thus, marketing strategy evaluation solutions can assist companies to make the necessary changes and improvements. On that account, checking for changes in sales and evaluating competitors’ practices are reliable evaluation tools that Accenture can use to ensure the success of its marketing initiatives since they are efficient and less complicated.


Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M., & Hochstein, B. W. (2021). Marketing strategy. Cengage Learning.

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