Apple Inc.’s Analysis in the Chinese Market

Apple Inc. is a global corporation that operates all over the world and generates interest in its products among consumers from different areas. However, it is inevitable that specific markets are especially important to cover such a global brand as Apple. China’s emerging economic potency creates an environment in which the organization is preoccupied with generating loyalty and interest in its offerings. In this paper, Apple’s entry and international strategies will be discussed in the framework of the Chinese market.

While certain brands aim to create country-specific advertisements and operate under specific marketing premises, this is not the case for Apple. Its global strategy is to approach each consumer equally and facilitate interest through innovation and uniqueness rather than country-based ads and campaigns. This, however, has created extensive consumer demand in the Chinese market. According to researchers, consumers see Western brands as ones offering the best quality products and being reliable in offering user-friendly experiences (Sun et al., 2020). Moreover, the increasing income of the population in China gives more potential consumers opportunities to invest in Apple products. Thus, from this perspective, Apple’s global strategy is creating solid branding, which was influential in the case of China. Furthermore, researchers mention that the first Apple shop opened in Beijing in 2008, which implies the market entry was relatively early (Lu, 2022). Soon after, Apple allowed Chinese consumers to easily access brand products on online platforms like JD and Taobao. This strategy of creating more distribution channels and offering products on platforms most well-known in the country has led to high sales.

Apple’s main strength in China is also one that creates brand interest all over the world, namely, innovation. Consumers are aware of the company’s correlation with high quality and unique innovation, which is ultimately the corporation’s business strategy. Moreover, entering the market relatively early and distributing devices on platforms most commonly used in China for online purchases has increased revenue and generated more prominent market coverage.


Lu, B. (2022). The Market Strategies of Apple in China. Proceedings of the 2022 7th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2022), 648, 1129–1132.

Sun, G., Li, J., Cheng, Z., D’Alessandro, S., & Johnson, L. (2020). Consumer personality factors and iPhone consumption in China. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(4), 862–870.

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