Irene Major is a 51 year old woman. She has given birth to two children, a boy at age 25 and a girl at age 28. Irene breast-fed the two children for one year each and has had no family history of breast cancer. She has witnessed incidences of palpable lumps growing on her breast, but since they disappeared, she never considered them to be serious. Irene has been having regular periods since she was 13, but recently, her periods have been irregular. Her last period was six months ago. She is taking ibuprofen for the treatment for arthritis, one to three tablets a day, between four to six hours. The tablets are taken orally. Irene’s medical history has not been characterized by many problems. She has also not taken hormone replacement therapies during her life. In the same manner, she has had no allergies. Using the following table, this paper points out three psychosocial needs facing Irene (under the three categories of psychosocial vital signs: coping, anxiety and perception). It also identifies the best intervention methods to solve them. These interventions are further assessed to determine their criteria for evaluation.
This study notes that, Irene experiences body image issues, is in denial and is uncertain about the future. To solve these concerns, this paper proposes several intervention strategies to curb Irene’s issues. To solve her body image issues, Irene should be enrolled in a support group. Here, she will be made aware that there is more to body image than physical features only. To solve Irene’s problem of denial, Irene should be introduced to an open-plan environment which has the necessary structures to help her get over this issue. Finally, to solve Irene’s uncertainty about the future, she should be encouraged to attend a peer counselling session (Widener 2011, p. 1). These strategies will help her get over her issues.
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