Atoms and Molecules as Concepts in Biology


The exploration of the universe with all its complex elements is the fundamental driver of the progress and development of humanity. This process is possible through the presence of various scientific disciplines that aim to cover the multi-faceted phenomena of nature. Biochemistry represents the nexus between the two fundamental branches of science: chemistry and biology (Fowler et al., 2013). They focus on the various basis of life itself, from elementary particles to complex organisms. Over the past century, biochemistry has enabled major breakthroughs in understanding life at the molecular level. Studying the internal processes within the cells of all organisms, this discipline provides insight into an array of natural phenomena, including the origin mechanisms of various diseases. This way, scientists discover new ways of treatment to previously incurable conditions.

For this purpose, an in-depth understanding of complex molecules is required. Abstract ideas are naturally difficult to fathom for a human mind, especially on the micro-level. However, biochemists have learned to translate such ideas into comprehensible models that facilitate the development of effective solutions. Another method of making the aspects of biochemistry fathomable and clear for people consists of using various indicators. For example, the pH scale reflects the biochemical properties of a solution in a concise quantitative form. This way, the complex knowledge is condensed into specific numbers within the scale, making the research more efficient with a well-established framework of reference.


Table 1. The results of the online pH meter.

Solution Prediction Measured pH value Conclusion
Tap water Neutral 7,00 Neutral
Soda Strongly acidic 2,50 Strongly acidic
Apple juice Neutral 3,50 Mildly acidic
Soapy water Strongly basic 10,00 Mildly basic
Bleach solution Strongly basic 13,00 Strongly basic
Coffee Strongly acidic 5,00 Mildly acidic

Table 2. Molecular Model Legend.

Element Color
Carbon (C) Red
Oxygen (O) Green
Nitrogen (N) Orange
Hydrogen (H) Yellow
Molecular Model Data.
Table 3. Molecular Model Data.


Fowler, S., Rousch, R., & Wise, J. (2013). Concepts of Biology by OpenStax. XanEdu Publishing.

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