Ban on Abortions as Current Civil Rights Issue

One should note that based on the article’s objective, trustworthy and reliable data, prohibiting abortion in the United States is one of our time’s most fundamental and significant concerns. In this case, the author focuses on the constitutional right to misbirth from the point of view of privacy, which is currently violated. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court continues to actively work toward resolving this controversial situation, appealing to judges’ opinions and legal aspects (Yetter 1). It is apparent that such a phenomenon is associated mainly with limitations and prohibitions on American women’s choices and freedom of action.

Debates Explanation

The two sides of the debate include the Supreme Court of the United States of America and women living in the region. Accordingly, one of the parties allows the adoption of restrictive measures, and the other advocates their elimination. In general, the Kentucky Supreme Court voluntarily leaves in force one of the most extremist laws in the country, leaving no choice for victims of rape and incest (Yetter 1). Indeed, most females perceive this moment as an incorrect, inhumane, and unethical decision, mentioning possible troubles in the field of mental and physical health.

Taking a Position

Due to a comprehensive analysis of the circumstances and interpretation of the information received, one should conclude that taking the women’s side is one of the correct actions for the student. Abortion is not a single problem that must be dealt with by elimination since it is a consequence of social factors such as low income or insufficient sex education. Even if a woman leaves a child for upbringing due to an unplanned pregnancy, it will be difficult to talk about a good emotional climate in a family. Additionally, women with chronic or emerging diseases during pregnancy will not be able to choose in favor of their health.

Work Cited

Yetter, Deborah. “Abortion Remains Banned in Kentucky While Supreme Court Reviews Disputes in Case.” The Courier-Journal, Web.

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